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RECO~ATroN <br />The final paving cast is slightly higher than the amount quoted at <br />the local improvement district hearing, due to the changes in <br />grades which were required to fit driveways after construction <br />plans were completed. Staff recommends appropriation of the <br />assessment distribution. <br />A public hearing regarding this matter was scheduled for April 22, <br />1992, at 6: ~~ p.m. , in the first floor Conference Room of City Hall <br />II, However, no persons attended the hearing. <br />The Hearings Official has received a Memorandum from the City <br />Engineer outlining the above information. Based upon the available <br />information, it is the finding of the Hearings Official that the <br />proposed assessments have been determined in accordance with the <br />Eugene Code. The Hearings Officer further finds that these <br />assessments are assessments for local improvement as set forth in <br />ORS 31D.14~ because: <br />1. The assessments do not exceed actual cost; <br />2. The assessments are imposed for a capital construction <br />project which provides a special benefit to specific <br />property or rectifies a problem caused by specific <br />property; <br />3, The assessments are imposed in a single assessment upon <br />completion of the project; and <br />4. The assessments allow the property owners to elect to pay <br />off with interest over at least 10 years. <br />Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Hearings official that <br />the City Council approve the assessment distribution as recommended <br />by staff . <br />~~ <br />Jack A, Billings, Hearings Official <br />