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/9~s'6 . <br />EXHIBIT A <br />NOTE: This document represents findings based on the recommendations of the Springfield Planning <br />Commission. References to staff recommendations and Plan Advisory Committee recommendations <br />have been deleted. References to specific Planning Commission recommended changes tv the Draft <br />Gateway Refinement Plan will be deleted upon final adoption of ordinances incorporating these <br />findings. <br />FINDINGs <br />DEMONSTRATING CONSISTENCY OF EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN <br />AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENTS PROPOSED IN THE <br />GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN WITH STATEVIDE PLANNING GOALS <br />AND GUIDELINES, METRO PLAN TEXT, AND GATEWAY REFINEMENT PLAN TEXT <br />Section 7.065 ~2} of the Springfield Development Code {SDC} implements Metro Plan policies <br />concerning Approval of Metro Plan amendments. In accordance with SDC 7.065, the fallowing criteria <br />must be applied in approving or denying Metro Plan amendments: (a} the amendment must be <br />consistent with the relevant Statewide Planning Goals,,.; =b} adoption of the amendment must not <br />make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent; and ~c} the amendment must not be a Plan update <br />amendment, unless the amendment has been initiated by the governing bodies of the City of Eugene, <br />City of Springfield, and Lane County... <br />STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS <br />The following Statewide Goals are applicable to the Gateway Refinement Plan area Metro Plan Diagram <br />amendments. <br />Goal ~ , Citi,~en Involvement <br />Goal ~ is intended to ensure that citizens are involved in all stages of the planning process. It directs <br />planning bodies to; provide information tv the public, involve citizens in all stages of the planning <br />process at a level appropriate to the scale of the effort, route proposals through the official "committee <br />for citizen involvement" (which is the Planning Commission in Springfield's case}, make the technical <br />information available and understandable, ensure that two way communication occurs between the <br />citizen and planning agencies, and ensure that policy makers respond to the citizens with the reasons <br />for their decisions. <br />Findings: <br />~} In February and March of 7990, priortostaff development of draft plan elements, two <br />neighborhood forums were held in the Refinement Plan area. Notices of the public <br />forums were mailed to all property owners and residents of the Refinement Plan area. <br />Over ~ 00 people attended each of the forums. People who attended the forums were <br />asked to fill out questionnaires indicating their opinions about critical issues related to <br />future growth of the Gateway area. The responses were compiled and considered by <br />staff in development of draft plan elements. <br />~} In April of ~ 990, Springfield's Committee for Citizen Involvement ~CCI} appointed a <br />seventeen-member Plan Advisory Committee (PAC} to provide input throughout the <br />development of the draft Refinement Plan. The PAC, as formulated by the CCI, was <br />made up of i 3 voting, citizen members, and 4non-voting, ex-officio members. The <br />citizen members were selected to represent geographic regions within the Re#inement <br />Plan area, as well as various special interest ar issue areas. The PAC held twenty <br />~X H I ~ l ~~._,....~.~.. <br />PA~I~~~..~P <br />