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<br />t q~9° <br />F.xHIBIT F' <br />Be innin at a point which. is South 48°52' East 824.8 feet and North 88°45' <br />9 9 <br />East 159.05 feet from the southwest corner of the Benjamin Davis Donation <br />Land Claim Na. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 4 West of the Willamette <br />Meridian, said point lying on the centerline of County Road No. 1003, also <br />known as Park Avenue; thence South 48°52' East along a line parallel with and <br />120 feet northeasterly of, when measured at right angles to, the northeasterly <br />ri ht of way of Southern Pacific Railroad, a distance of 444.2 feet, more or <br />9 <br />less, to the south line of that tract of land described as Parcel 2 in <br />warranty Deed recorded on Reel 1608, Instrument No. 8958086 Lane County <br />Ore on Deed Records; thence North 88°45' East along said south line, a <br />9 <br />distance of 32.93 feet; thence North 1°15' East; a distance of 100 feet; <br />thence North 88°45' East, a distance of 15 feet; thence North 1°15' East, a <br />distance of 180 feet to the south margin of said Park Avenue; thence North <br />88°45' East clang said south margin, being 20 feet south of the centerline of <br />said Park Avenue, a distance of 80 feet to the ~1est margin of Filbert Avenue; <br />thence North 1°15' East along said west margin, bung 20 feet west of the <br />centerline of said Filbert Avenue, a distance of 40,04 feet; thence South <br />88°45' west along the north margin of said Park Avenue, being 20 feet north of <br />the centerline of said Park Avenue, a distance of 480.04 feet, more Or less, <br />to the intersection with said parallel line being 120 feet northeasterly of <br />the northeasterly right of way of Southern Pacific Railroad; thence South <br />48°52' East along said parallel line, a distance of 29.67 feet to the Paint <br />of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. <br />Contains 1.6 acres, more ar less. <br />EC EU 9 2 - 4 I <br />Page 1 0~ I <br />