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~~. ~~ tiZ 3~ <br />g90 <br />l ~' <br />ExNr~rT F <br />Beginning at a point 137.2 feet South and 1908.2 feet South 89°44' East of the <br />southwest corner of the Joseph Davis Danatian Land Claim Na. 48 in Township ll <br />South, Range 4 West of the Willamette ~~eridian, said point being on the north <br />margin of Hamilton Avenue; t~~ence North 89°44' Test along said north margin, <br />being 20 feet north of the centerline of said Hamilton Avenue, a distance of <br />136.3 feet; thence NORTH, a distance of 283.1 feet to the south margin of <br />Kourt Drive; thence South 89°52' East along said south margin, being 20 feet <br />south of the centerline of said Kourt Drive, a distance of 136.3 feet to a <br />point due north of the point of beginning; thence SoDTH, a distance of 283.4 <br />feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. <br />Contains o.9 acre, more or less. <br />~C EE1 9 2 -- 3b <br />Wage 1 of ~ <br />