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~. A person also may seek council initiation of a <br />category II amendment subject to the above requirements <br />regarding category I amendments initiated by the counci 1 at <br />the request of a person. <br />~ 2 } When Plan amendments can be initiated . Amendments tv the <br />Metro Plan sh al 1 be initiated and considered at the f of 1 owi ng times <br />~ a} The city caunci 1 may i ni ti ate a Metro P1 an amendment at <br />any time. Consideration of this type of amendment shal 1 beg i n <br />immediately thereafter. <br />fib} Privately initiated Metro P1 an amendments may be applied <br />for at any time. The initial public hearing on an application shall <br />take place after the next January 1 or July 1 fo1 l owi ng the f i 1 i ng <br />of the application. <br />~c} Consideration of a privately initiated Metro Plan <br />amendment shall be postponed if the proposed amendment is also part <br />of an existing planned refinement p1 an or special area study <br />adapt i on or amendment process or one that i s scheduled on the <br />planning commission's work program to begi n wi th i n s i x months of the <br />next January 1 or July 1 fal l owi ng the date the Metro Plan amendment <br />application i s submitted. Such a requested Metro P1 an amendment <br />shall be considered in the legislative proceedings on the refinement <br />plan or special area study. If the refinement plan or special area <br />study process has not begun within the six month period, the Metro <br />Plan amendment application process shat 1 begin the next January 1 <br />or July 1 f of 1 owi ng the six month period . The planning director may <br />except particular plan amendment applications from postponement <br />under this subsection and require more immediate review i f the <br />planning director finds that either there i s a publ i c need for <br />earlier consideration or that review of the proposed amendment as <br />part of a general refinement plan or special area study adoption yr <br />amendment process wi 1 l interfere with timely completion of that <br />process. <br />~3} Where Plan Amendment a l i cation i s filed. Privately <br />initiated Metro Plan amendment applications shall be filed i n the planning <br />office of the home jurisdiction. A proposed Metro Plan amendment that <br />particularly affects land within the Eugene urban growth boundary shat 1 be f i 1 ed <br />only with the Eugene planning director. <br />9,124 Metro Plan -Referral of P1 an Amendment, All Metro Plan amendments <br />shall be referred to the Springfield and lane County governing <br />body es for consideration . The referral shal 1 occur within ten days of the plan <br />amendment initiation date. The referral jurisdictions shall have 45 days from <br />the date of referral to determine i f the proposed amendment substantively <br />affects their jurisdictions. If a referral jurisdiction adopts a resolution, <br />ardi Hance, ar order finding that the proposed amendment substantively affects <br />1 and uses within its jurisdiction, the approval of the governing body of that <br />jurisdiction shall be required to adopt the amendment. Fai 1 ure of a <br />jurisdiction to take action on the referral within 45 days from the date of <br />referral shall be deemed a finding of no substantive effect. Home jurisdiction:: <br />need not make a f i ndi ng of substantive effect. They are autamati cal ly i nc1 uded~ <br />i n the decisional process. <br />grdinance - 3 <br />