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9.12fi Metro P1 an - P1 an Amendment A 1 ication Fee. After referral <br />responses have been received by the home jurisdiction, an applicant <br />for a pri vately initiated Metro Plan amendment shal 1 pay an application fee i n <br />an amount set by the city manager under section x.020 of this code. The <br />application fee shall differ depending upon whether the requested amendment <br />requires approval by one, two, or three jurisdictions to become effective. No <br />application .shat 1 be processed until i t i s complete and accurate and the <br />application fee is paid. <br />9.128 Metro Plan - A royal of a Plan Amendment. <br />~1} Who must a rove a lan amendment. To become effective, a <br />Metro P1 an category I amendment must be approved by the governing bad i es of <br />Eugene, Springfield, and lane County. To become effective, Metro Plan category <br />lI amendments must be approved by the governing bodies of the home jurisdiction <br />and any substantively affected jurisdiction, <br />~2} Criteria fora rava1 of lan amendment. The following <br />criteria shall be applied by the city council i n approving or denyi ng a pl an <br />amendment application: <br />~a} The amendment must be consistent with the relevant <br />statewide planning goals adopted by the hand Conservation and <br />Development Commission; and <br />fib} Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan <br />internally inconsistent . <br />9.134 Metro Plan -Plan Amendment A royal Process: Sin le Jurisdiction. <br />~ 1 } When the sin 1 e ' uri sdi ct i an racess i s used. The following <br />process shall be used to approve Metro P1 an amendments when Eugene is the home <br />jurisdiction and no other jurisdiction is substantively affected by the proposed <br />amendment , <br />~~} Investigation and re~p~o„r„t. Within 34 days after a response is <br />received from both referral jurisdictions ar within 85 days after the Metro Plan <br />amendment initiation date i f no response i s received, the planning staff of the <br />home jurisdiction where the proposed Metro P1 an amendment was submitted shat 1 <br />investigate the facts bearing on the Metro Plan amendment application, prepare <br />a report, and submit i t to the planning commission. The report shall be mailed <br />or delivered to the affected and interested parties at the time it is delivered <br />to the commi ssi an. <br />~3} Plannin commission consideration. Within 64 days after <br />receipt of the staf f report, the planning commission shat 1 hol d a publ i c hearing <br />to consider the proposed Metro P1 an amendment. At 1 east 24 days before the <br />hearing, notice of the hearing shat 1 be published i n a 1 ocal newspaper of <br />general circulation and mai 1 ed to the applicant and to persons wha have <br />requested notice. If the proposed amendment is quasi-judicial, at least 20 days <br />before the hearing, nati ce of the hearing shall also be mailed to the owners and <br />occupants of properties that are the subject of the proposed amendment and to <br />property owners of record within 304 feet of the subject property. The content <br />of the notice and conduct of the hearing on the amendment shall be as required <br />by this code and state 1 aw. The planning commi ssi on shal 1 review the proposed <br />amendment and receive evidence and testimony on whether the proposed change can <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />