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loading and unloading freight from airplanes. All other sites located in the area <br />surrounding the airport would also require an exception to Goal 3. <br />During the development of the Master Plan, several sites were considered for the cargo <br />facility. Most of the area in the airport vicinity is in the Class I-IV sail range. No other <br />available site would be directly accessible by road and also offer direct connection to the <br />main runway as well as direct access to nearby related terminal facilities, Both airplanes <br />and freight trucks need access to the cargo facility. The Airport Master Plan adopted by <br />the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners in October, 19911, <br />identifies the site in this request as the preferred location for the air cargo facility due to <br />its access~~ility to both the airfield and roads and because it provides the opportunity for <br />expansion in the future if needed. <br />Standard 3 -The long-term environmental, economic, social and energy <br />consequences resulting from the use at the proposed site with measures <br />designed to reduce adverse impacts are not si~cantly more adverse than <br />would typically result from the same proposal being located in areas requiring <br />a goal exception other than the proposed site. <br />The long-term consequences of locating the air cargo facility on the proposed site would <br />be less significant than locating the facility in another area. The Airport Master Plan <br />noted that current air cargo activity is dispersed throughout the airport resulting in traffic <br />congestion, safety concerns, limited storage area and inefficiencies in operations. The <br />proposed site is the best suited to provide for safe and efficient air cargo operations in <br />terms of both cost savings and energy conservation. Existing roads provide access to this <br />site for freight trucks. Other sites would likely require new roads or realignment of <br />existing reads. <br />Construction of an air cargo facility on this site will allow air cargo operations at the <br />airport to continue to expand and will provide the opportunity for creation of new jabs for <br />the community. <br />Standard 4 -The proposed uses are compatible with other adjacent uses or <br />will be so rendered through measures designed to reduce adverse impacts. <br />The proposed air cargo facility is compatible and will be linked operationally with the <br />adjacent airport facility, Expansion of the airport facility on to this site was anticipated <br />and planned for at the time the Metro Plan was adapted. The proposed air cargo facility <br />is also compatible with the surrounding agricultural uses, Agricultural uses currently <br />surround most of the airport facility and provide the necessary buffer zone between the <br />airport and urban levels of development. <br />Related to this Goa13 exception, the Metro Plan also establishes criteria far exceptions. <br />Exhibit A -Findings - 3 <br />