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The adopted transportation plan for the metro area is TransPlan. It includes no specific <br />recommendations in the vicinity of this proposed amendment. Based on the Airport <br />Master Plan, future changes to Airport Road and Greenhill Road are likely to <br />accommodate future airport expansion. Maintaining efbcient access to the proposed air <br />cargo site will be a priority in the re-design of any roads in this area. If future road <br />changes are of metropolitan-wide signibcance, they will be incorporated into a TransPlan <br />update. <br />Goal 13 - Energ~Conserv ' <br />at~on <br />~~~~:--inn-mrr~rr.rrr~ ~ iii ro~noouu~r~ <br />To conserve energy. <br />This goal requires that land uses maximize conservation of all forms of energy based on <br />sound economic principles. As with previous airport improvements, the air cargo facility <br />will be constructed according to contemporary conservation techniques. Expanding airport <br />facilities at the proposed location is the most ever -effective wa to res and to the <br />l~Y Y P <br />current and future needs of the air cargo operations at the airport. <br />Goal 14 -Urbanization <br />To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use. <br />This goal requires that urban growth boundaries be established to identify and separate <br />urbanizable land from rural land. The airport is outside the Metro Plan's urban growth <br />boundary (UGB} but within the plan boundary. This proposed Plan diagram amendment <br />is limited to the area planned for immediate airport expansion. Approval of this <br />amendment will not change the existing location of the urban growth boundary or the Plan <br />boundary. In addition, this amendment will not change the current relationship between <br />the airport facility and the urban growth boundary. The amendment to allow expansion <br />of the airport on to this site was anticipated in the Metro Plan resulting in the designation <br />of this site as Airport Reserve. <br />Goal 15 -Willamette River Greenwa <br />To protect, conserve, enhance, and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, <br />agricultural, economic, and recreational qualities of land along the Willamette River <br />Greenway. <br />No portion of the Willamette River Greenway is within or adjacent to the airport and the <br />area subject to this amendments. <br />Goals 16 through 19: All these goals address coastal lands and features or ocean resources. <br />They are not applicable to the airport and this amendment, <br />Exhibit A -Findings - b <br />