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Goa18 -Recreational Needs <br />To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, <br />where appropriate to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities, <br />including destination resorts. <br />There are no recreation facilities located an or adjacent to the site in this request, A <br />softball complex is located on the north side of Airport Road approximately three-quarters <br />of a mile northeast of the location of the proposed air cargo facility. That facility will not <br />be affected by this amendment. <br />Goal 9 -Economic Develo meat <br />To diversify and improve the economy of the state. <br />This Metro Plan amendment is required to allow the airport to expand based on existing <br />and forecasted demand to meet the needs of the growing metropolitan area. <br />Goal 14 - Housin <br />To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. <br />This amendment will not change the status or designation of any areas presently designated <br />or zoned for residential use. <br />Goal 11-Public Facilities and Services <br />To plan and develop timely, orderly, and efhcient arrangement of public <br />facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural develop- <br />ment. <br />Eugene provides urban services including storm and sanitary facilities, and hire and police <br />pratectian to the airport. Fire protection is also provided by the Lane Rural Fire <br />Protection District. tither services including electric service, natural gas, water, and <br />telephone service are provided by local and regional utilities. Based on the referral <br />responses received from various service providers, these services can be extended to the <br />proposed air cargo facility by existing service providers consistent with adopted policies. <br />Goal l2 -Trans ortation <br />To provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation <br />system. <br />Exhibit A -Findings - 5 <br />