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W.1s~ <br />~'YUTQTT t <br />Beginning at the southwest carnet of Lot ~~, The Oaks, as platted and recorded <br />in Book 4, Page 106, Lane County Oregon Plat records; thence North along the <br />west line of said Lot 11, 523.8 feet to the south margin of Bushnel Lane; <br />thence along a ~ i ne 5.0 feet south of and parallel with the north ~ i ne of sai d <br />Lot 11, 411.9 feet to the east line of said Lot 11; thence south along the <br />east line of said Lot 11 523.8 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 11; <br />thence west along the south line of said Lat 11, 411.9 feet to the point of <br />Beginning, al 1, in Lane County, Oregon. <br />EC EU 93 - 24 <br />