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~Glem~ns//Vtar~~ess <br />EXHIBIT ~ ~Y-O'jJe.v~t-~eS ~ L~-~ <br />t <br />Beginning on the East line of Lot 8, BAKER'S ADDIT1oN to Santa Clara, as <br />patted and recorded in Book 4, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said <br />point bears South 158.63 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lot 8; thence <br />South 401.65 feet to the north right of way line of Santa Clara Avenue; <br />thence West 589.1 feet along said north 1 i ne, to the West '1 i ne of Lot 9 of <br />said Plat; thence North 306.5 feet along said West line to a paint, thence <br />along the arc of a 229.9 foot radius curve to the left the long chord bears <br />North 5°59'38" West 47.87 feet} a distance of 41.96 feet; thence along a <br />229.19 foot radius curve to the right the long chord bears North 5°59'38" <br />West 41.96 feet} a distance of 47.96 feet; thence East 5~.0 feet more or less; <br />thence South l.o feet more or less; thence East 589.1 feet to the point of Beginning. <br />~~~ Also, Santa Clara Avenue, from the City limits boundary on the east, west to <br />the east margin of Newcastle Street, of varied width; and Quince Street from <br />the north margin of Santa Clara Avenue, North to the south margin of Jonquil <br />Avenue, of varied width. <br />All in Lane County, oregon. Containing approximately l.3 Acres. <br />CEU92--54. <br />r <br />