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There then followed some questions by Mr. Haney regarding the amount of fronts a and extent <br />. g <br />of paving width charged to vanous other properties, <br />Then, Mr. Haney stated. that Lane County has assessed his property at $49,560. The assessment <br />against his property for this improvement will be about $21,000, He said that is entirel too <br />. Y <br />much considering the value of the property. He is aware that the grope ma have a market <br />. ~y Y <br />value higher than the assessment, but he still bunks it's too high. <br />The Hearings Official stated that he would take a look at the area, specificall includin the <br />. Y g <br />storm water protect. <br />In response to another question from Mr. Jones, Mr. Lyle stated that a conven~onal drama e <br />.. ,g <br />system had bin put in the original plan. However, he said that the changing rules re ardin <br />. .g g <br />water quality suggested that this project should be considered. Mr. Janes stated that it a s <br />• pp~. <br />that the cost of this water quality project is being paid by prvpe owners. Mr. L le <br />.. ~y Y <br />stated that it is being paid by all properties that are a part of this project, much of which is <br />owned by the City of Eugene. <br />'There was no further testimony and the public hearing was adjourned, <br />On Tune 3,1993, the Hearings Official drove out to the project area, It is apparent that the Cit <br />Y <br />Staff used the word "facility" very broadly. This project involves a couple of drains e i s <br />g p~ <br />between 15-15" in diameter which protrude from the embankment which su its the roadwa . <br />p~ y <br />They empty out on a flat, rip-rap and dirt surface which is perhaps 34-feet wide and 100-feet <br />long. This appears to be the area where the material was removed that Mr, Tones was <br />concerned about. This area is approximately 3 or 4-feet higher than the Delta Ponds surface and <br />does nat uniformly slope into the water. This does not appear to be a boat ram nor one that <br />. P~ <br />could be readily converted to that purpose. In addition, the turn into this area is abru t enou h <br />. p, g <br />through a fairly narrow curb cut that it would nat readily work for vehicles hauly~ trailers. <br />g <br />It appears to be exactly what the Staff described, an experiment regarding the im rovement of <br />. P <br />storm water run-off, before rt makes Its way into the Delta Ponds. The Hearings Official has <br />no expertise and would offer no opinion about whether it will work as intended. <br />Also attached as Exhibit "B" are photographs submitted on June 8, 1993 b Mr.lones. <br />Y <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />lack A. Billings <br />Hearings Official <br />-5- <br />EXFlI~It! <br />PRGE 5 OFS <br />