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Ordinance No. 19920
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19920
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:41 PM
Creation date
11/19/2008 4:08:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters, street lights and storm sewers on Goodpasture Island Rd. 2000-ft.north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley St.; and declaring an emergency. (Contract 92-26)
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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because he thinks it is really a boat launch and parking. Mr, Jones pointed out that based upon <br />the topographical maps it would appear that the elevation at the edge of this project has been <br />reduced 10 or 12-feet. <br />Mr. Jones' wife offered her remarks which included that the City Engineer simply made his own <br />decision, irrespective of the Code and that people can't pay for full assessments along a frontage <br />of 300-400 feet. <br />Mr. Lyle responded that he and other Staff members have heard from Mr. Jones many times <br />before, including at the initiation, design and construction of the LID. He said that the Staff has <br />consistently recommended a different approach than the one desired by Mr, Jones. He also <br />noted that the Hearings Gf~.cial adopted the Staff recommendation and the findings and <br />recommendations and that the City Council approved those recommendations when the resolution <br />to form the LID was adopted. He further said that with regard to the McKenzie River <br />Broadcasting Company, the City of Eugene is picking up the difference as otherwise would be <br />paid by the station by using "old" SDC funds. <br />During his remarks, Mr. Jones had been critical of the fact that the Eugene Parks Department <br />had not sent a representative during the earlier LID hearing. Mr. Lyle responded that the Parks <br />Department was aware of the proceeding and chose not to send a representative, The City of <br />Eugene would be paying the portion otherwise assessed against the Parks Department. It is still <br />City of Eugene money which is being spent for that part of the contract. The Staff had <br />recommended using the SDC money, rather than general fund cash. <br />Mr. Lyle stated that the storm sewer waste water project was not intended as a boat ramp and <br />not constructed to be one. He believes that regulations are and will be changing regarding storm <br />sewer discharges and Staff is expecting this project will partially address water quality <br />requirements. He called the proj ect a storm water "facility" which is intended to pre-treat storm <br />sewer run-off by requiring it to pass through vegetation and to spread out before it reaches the <br />Delta Ponds. Grassy material and willows are intended to stabilize this feature. <br />He also noted that the material which was removed to create this structure was used for <br />embankment purposes for the road project. The cast associated with removing the material was <br />about as much as it would have cost to bring in additional material from the outside for the <br />embankment work. It was up to the radio station to establish whether a fee would be required <br />for the material that was removed. The station decided to give the City a right of entry without <br />cost. He said Staff is trying to restrict to access onto this area in order to allow the area to <br />establish vegetation, None of the cost of the maintenance is part of the assessment in this <br />project. He also noted that the Staff did not have the design of this part of the construction <br />completed at the time of bidding since agreements had not been reached with the owner, Mr. <br />DeSantis stated that the removal of this material and its use in other parts of the project was <br />cheaper than bringing the material in from outside. In response to a question from Mr. Jones, <br />Mr. DeSantis stated that to impart material would have required about $23,000. To dig up and <br />remove the material cost about $19,000, <br />-a- <br />EXNI~IT! <br />PAGE ~OF~ <br />
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