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Ordinance No. 19920
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19920
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:41 PM
Creation date
11/19/2008 4:08:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters, street lights and storm sewers on Goodpasture Island Rd. 2000-ft.north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley St.; and declaring an emergency. (Contract 92-26)
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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Page 3 Ellis Jones <br />The facts are that they'. .ot~~n and use their fu~_1 property and ~~,~~ should <br />have to pay their share of road construction casts, based upon a front <br />footage just as da other taxpayers. <br />Prior to the road project, I became aware that the City of Eugene was ~~ <br />desirous of having a boat launching site and parking an r. adio station propE <br />and road right of way, across fror~ the boulders, ~ '~ <br />~n Sept, 19, 1992, I received a notice from the City of Eu ene stating they <br />~; ~ ~ t <br />would begin constructing a stormwater runoff treatmen~~ ~ediarectly across <br />the street from the boulders on the River apartments. which happens to be <br />the same area I referred to above , <br />No indication was given in the notice that this was. a ma jor excavation <br />project and that the contour of the land would be completely changed. . <br />There was an innocuous reference to a Swale which wou7 d be one foot deep, <br />six feet wide, and will follow the contour of the lanc~.~' <br />T:~ here were at least ~5~4 cubic yards of material rernaved from the Bite-- <br />mnstly from radio station property. The radio station received nv <br />compensation from the material nor for a permit of entry. <br />phis p~ project has an add on item, -~ it was not in the road construe <br />bid and does not service ai~~ of the assessed property having road P <br />~i assessments from this project, The only ~~~~~ storm water drainage <br />into the 1~~~ pipe is from six curb gutters north of_ the property an <br />about 15J~Y' of assessed road frontage, The 18+~ pipe runs north t~ the <br />end of the road construct ion project where it is c ~.pped and will serve. <br />areas ~~~~~~~~ to the north towards Beltline road. There are <br />no ~x storm drainage improvements on my own road frontage . <br />This pro ject should. not be ~~~ be chargPC~to ~~~~~~~~~~~ property <br />owners , It is a c ap it al in~nrovement~ properrty c~~arged to the city of <br />Eugene which will be reimbursed by SDC funds as anti~;ipated developernent r <br />c <br />. ~ 6 C~•~ <br />Pdha is comtemplated am unts to dcuble taxation ~- lst the city collects <br />. ~ . <br />for a capitol impro~~ ~ then.collectp a Gecond tame through system <br />develapement charges. <br />This work ryas an add on item, including the so-called experimental <br />stormwater treatment excavation. It should be recalculated with a <br />charge to the City of Eugene and a credit to each taxpayer -with <br />a minor adjustment for the tiny bit of vrater ~~ahich goes to the <br />~.8~~ pipe. The job not bid but was paid for on a time and materials <br />basis . <br />This storr~;rYater treatment c,?rt~.inly cost a lot of money for ~x~~x <br />an almost non functional -~ro j ect at t~~is t, ime. <br />developed <br />I will say that it appears to me that the~rea would make an exc~e~llent <br />boat launching site and parking site for the Eugene ~'r~rks ~7epar~~l~~~nt. <br /> <br />E~F~~~3T..~,. <br />Rf~~E 3 OF.~ <br />
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