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page ~ E'llis Jones <br />With regard Tax ? of ~.~~, ~~~~, 1;~~~, w~~~~'~~s ~~r,~~ ~, l,~y o~ n-ug,"ne <br />P ather than the Parks Department paving for the road .f ~~ont age as s ~~ s spent <br />:~~~:~e ~'; i Uy is exempt Zng the parks Department from the pa~;ne~1t iri the a}n~ ~xr~t <br />ref a!~o~at `~?`?~,~'~~~.~~~~7. The sto~~y iG that the Parks De~artmen~: has a <br />~uetlands situation -the s~~~ne as ~vnen t~ie~~ purchased it - r~o stly wi state <br />and Federa3 ~~one~~. ~~r~~ ~' he Farks department s~~~ould properly be ~a~ririg <br />~;~~~~.w. ~.ssessrr~ent for side~~~a.lks, etc but the city is makir~g the ~ayr±:ent ~rif~~~~~ <br />funds are unidentified ~ ~f.c} 1~cz~~G beE+n given several ~,~erslons} and <br />ver~~ possibly intended for other purposes, <br />~~t a. time v~~hen Eugene ~.s 7:~l~;acin~g poverty, it is i~r~ortant that the <br />c a t i~~en4 are a~rar~; in detail, how f~.~nr] s are derived and ealleeted <br />and how they are spent. <br />Thank yau. <br />EXE~d~iT /~ <br />FE ~°~F~ <br />