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Ordinance No. 19920
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19920
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:41 PM
Creation date
11/19/2008 4:08:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters, street lights and storm sewers on Goodpasture Island Rd. 2000-ft.north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley St.; and declaring an emergency. (Contract 92-26)
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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Rather, the objection has been made by Mr. Jones who continues to believe that the radio <br />station is receiving some preferential treatment. As with the other properties, the Staff <br />position and the r~ommendation of the Hearings Of~.cial were presented to the Council at <br />the formation of the LID. That particular recommendation is specifically enumerated in the <br />Council resolution. <br />It should also be pointed out that the Staff recommendation concerning the radio sta~on <br />property does not cost the other property owners anything. The additional costs which would <br />otherwise be assessed against the radio station are paid for by City of Eugene SDC funds. <br />At the time of the public hearing, an agreement had been presented to the radio station, <br />which indicated that if the property was ever further developed and relieved of the <br />encumbrance of the ponds, that the portion of the assessment paid by the City would be <br />recouped from the property owner. That agreement has now been signed by the property <br />owner and is attached as Exhibit "2". <br />In summary, the adoption of Resolution No. 4339, following the recommendations of the <br />City Staff and the Hearings Official with respect to the above property, forecloses a revisiting <br />of these assessment issues. It is the finding of the Hearings Official that the resolution is <br />consistent with the Eugene Code. <br />Storm Water Prate t: An issue not debated at the Mme of the LID formation was the <br />i ~i ~ -~~i~ Innn4iimii~~~io~~~ <br />construction of a storm water quality project which has been constructed on a part of the <br />frontage of the radio station property. As noted in the Minutes of the June 2,1993 hearing, <br />Mr. Jones has complained that the cast of this work has been assessed to the property <br />owners. He believes there is no benefit from this project and that it is, in reality, a "boat <br />ramp" far the Parks Department. <br />The Minutes from the public hearing reveal that the cost of creating this project was off set <br />by the ability to use the removed material for embankment purposes in the roadway <br />construction. The treatment project is a very simple concept which has involved the <br />flattening out of a portion of the bank separating the roadway from one of the ponds. The <br />purpose of the flat area appears to be to allow storm water run-off to pass through and aver <br />vegetation and rip-rap. The intention is to provide same opportunity for aeration and <br />purif~catian. <br />The Hearings Official is aware, as would be the City Council, that issues regarding water <br />purity and clarification are and will become increasingly important in our community. It <br />appears that this project was of little or no additional cast. From a visual inspection, it did <br />not appear that this area would be useful for a boat ramp. It is the finding of the Hearings <br />Official that any costs associated with the construction of this part of the project are properly <br />assessable to the property owners. <br />It is the further finding of the He~ngs Official that this project have been initiated and bid in <br />-3_ <br />
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