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Storm Sewer $ 55,539.D0 <br />City's portion of <br />Tax Lot No. 700 $ 31,456.21 <br />City Properties $236,609.59 <br />ASSESSMENT ISS[]ES <br />Two property owners have raised objections to their assessments: Ellis Jones and Dennis <br />Haney. Issues have also arisen about the property owned by McKenzie River Broadcas~ng and <br />a storm water project. <br />Ellis Jones: The Jones' parcel is approximately 16 acres in size and has 422-feet of frontage <br />along Goodpasture Island Road. It appears it was previously used as a plant nursery by Mr, <br />Jones and operated under the name of Island Gardens. The nursery activity appears to have <br />been abandoned. Located on the property is a mobile home. At the time of the LID hearing, <br />Mr. Jones stated that the property was in transition from nursery production to the <br />development of an english walnut orchard. <br />This property is zoned R A and could be developed more intensively. Because of the location <br />of the mobile home and the development potential of the rest of the property, Staff <br />recommended at the LID formation hearing that the first 10D-feet of frontage be considered <br />developed with a single family residence and eligible for assessment as a 2D-foot wide <br />equivalent, Staff then recommended that the remaining 322-feet be treated as undeveloped <br />which would result in assessment for the entire 36-feet of the improvement. <br />Mr, Jones has been very clear throughout that he opposes this characterization of his property <br />and has wanted the City to treat the entire parcel as developed with a single family residence. <br />The Hearings Official recommended to the City Council that the Staff position be adopted. <br />The resolution adopted by the City Council did not vary from those recommendations. <br />Dennis Hare : The Haney property is just under two acres in size and is located on the <br />north side of Goodpasture Island Road near the Kingsley Street intersec~on. The famil <br />Y <br />home is located on the parcel. There is 375-feet of frontage along Goodpasture Island Road. <br />Staff made the same recommendation for this property as it did for the one owned by Mr. <br />Jones; that is, that 100-feet by treated as associated with a single family dwelling and that the <br />balance be assessed for the full width of the project. As with the Ellis Jones' grope ,the <br />~' <br />City Council resolution did not deviate from the recommendation of the Staff and Hearings <br />Official that this property be assessed as described. <br />McKenzie River Braadcastin :McKenzie River Broadcasting owns a parcel with a ve ion <br />~ g <br />frontage on Goadpasture Island Road. Staff has previously recommended the assessment of <br />the property for a 60-foot wide frontage because the parcel is heavily encumbered b the <br />Y <br />Delta Ponds, The owner of the property has never objected to this pro sed assess~nent~ <br />_2- <br />