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PUBLIC HEARING AND <br />SITE INSPECTIGN REF(]RT <br />SUBJECT: PAVING, SIDEWALKS, CURB AND GUTTERS, STREET LIGHTS AND <br />STORM SEWERS GN GD(3DPASTURE ISLAND RUAD 2404-FEET <br />NGRTH GF VALLEY RIVER DRIVE TD 425-FEET NaRTH QF <br />KINGSLEY ROAD ~CGNTRACT #92-26~ <br />0n July 27,1992 the City Council adopted resolution no. 4339 which authorized the formation <br />of a Local Improvement District SLID) to improve Goodpasture Island Road from 200-feet <br />north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley Road. The project has now been <br />constructed and is ready far assessment. A public hearing concerning the proposed assessments <br />was conducted on June 2, 1993 at 6: Qa P. M. in the first fluor conference room of Ci Hall II. <br />. .. ~ <br />Hearings Official Tack A. Billings presided. <br />The Hearings Uffzcial opened. the public hearing by describing its purpose. He indicated that <br />minutes would be taken and forwarded to the City Council with findings and recommendations <br />regarding the proposed assessments. The Hearings Official then tailed upon Les L le, Ci <br />• ~ .. y tY <br />Engineer, for a description of the project and the assessment decisions. <br />Mr. Lyle f rst introduced Bud DeSantis, Project Manager. Mr. Lyle noted the histo of the <br />. .. rY <br />project and that it is now time to make final assessments in conformance with the Eugene Code. <br />He noted that a variety of issues were raised at the time the Local Improvement District was <br />proposed, concerning how various properties were to be treated. He said that the findin s and <br />. g <br />recommendations from the earlier public hearing had been presented to the Ci Council and <br />tY <br />were part of the recommendation of staff when resolution no. 4339 was adopted by the Council. <br />He further stated that many of the same issues which were presented at the time of the on final <br />. g <br />public hearing are still unresolved as far as the property owners are concerned. <br />He first commented on property owned by Ellis Janes which has 1 b acres and 422-feet of <br />frontage. It had been recommended to the Hearings official during the formation of the Local <br />Improvement District and also to the City Council that 1oD-feet of Mr. Jones' fronts a be treated <br />. g <br />as a single family dwelling which would therefore be assessed as a 2~-foot uivalent. It <br />appears that the property was earlier operated as a plant nursery. The property is now Jar el <br />gy <br />undeveloped except for a mobile home. The balance of the frontage is recommended for <br />assessment at a full 36-feet in width. That part of the property is counted by the Staff as vacant. <br />Mr. Lyle further noted that there is a deferral available because of the zoning of Mr. Jones' <br />property of the difference between a 2$-foot and a 36-foot facility for the 322-feet of fronts e. <br />g <br />A deferral agreement has been presented to Mr. Tones for his consideration which would <br />-1- <br />~iBir. ~ . <br />FAGS ! OFS <br />