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Ordinance No. 19920
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19920
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:41 PM
Creation date
11/19/2008 4:08:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance levying assessments for paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters, street lights and storm sewers on Goodpasture Island Rd. 2000-ft.north of Valley River Drive to 425-feet north of Kingsley St.; and declaring an emergency. (Contract 92-26)
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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establish the deferral. Upon inquiry from Mr. Jones, Mr. Lyle showed him that the a reement <br />. g <br />was available immediately. Mr. Lyle also stated that the deferral was not dependent on a e or <br />g <br />income. <br />Another property which had been the subject of separate discussion earlier is owned b Dennis <br />. Y. <br />Haney. This property ~s dust under two acres ~n size and is located on the north side of <br />Goodpasture Island Road near the Kingsley Street intersection. A home is located on the arcel <br />p <br />which has 375-feet of frontage along Goodpasture Island Road. The Ci had similarl <br />tY Y <br />recommended that l0U-feet of the property be treated as developed with a single famil <br />. Y <br />residence. This would be subject to an assessment as a 2a•foot equivalent, with a balance as the <br />full 36-feet. This property is zoned differently than the Tones' parcel, and so there is no abili <br />to defer any part of the assessment. <br />Finally, the property owned by McKenzie River Broadcasting has also been se aratel <br />. P Y <br />considered. This property zs largely encumbered by some of the Delta Ponds. The Staff had <br />recommended that the frontage for that property be treated as 60-feet wide and assessed for the <br />full 36-feet of the roadway. The City has presented an agreement to the owners of the station <br />that if the character of the Delta Ponds is ever changed and the grope becomes available for <br />. ~y <br />improvement, that the entire property would be assessed equivalently for 36-feet of roadwa . <br />. „y <br />That agreement has been delivered to McKenzie River and outlines the cond~~ons <br />for the agreement. <br />Mr. Lyle stated that it is the recommendation of Staff that the casts be distributed in the manner <br />presented to the Eugene City Council at the time of the resolution and as prescribed b the <br />. y <br />Eugene Cade. The Engineer s estimates for the preliminary costs which were quoted at the LID <br />hearing were: <br />36-foot paving $56.791front foot <br />~0-foot paving $35.941front foot <br />Sidewalk $12.~81front foot <br />Driveways $ 2.681square foot <br />He advised that the final unit assessable costs are as follows: <br />36-foot paving $51.471front foot <br />2~-foot paving $31.951front foot <br />Sidewalk $1 D. ~ llfront foot <br />Driveways $ 3.031square foot <br />Mr. Lyle noted that the f nal amounts are generally lower than esd.mated at the LID hearin . <br />g <br />The Hearings Official asked Mr. Lyle what the effect of the Staff recommendation would be if <br />McKenzie River Broadcasting decided not to sign the agreement? Mr. L le answered that he <br />. Y <br />does expect the station will sign the agreement, but asked the Hearin s official to kee the <br />g P <br />_~_ <br />EXHIBIT ' . <br />PAGE .~:.OFS <br />
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