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fie} Director means the person appointed by the city manager <br />as the executive di rector of the city's p1 anni ng and development <br />department, ar his or her designee. <br />,~c~or~1. Subsect i an ~ 1 } of Sect i an 5. Z3Z of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s <br />amended to provide: <br />5. Z3Z Pro i bi ted Parkin i n Downtown Devel o ment District. <br />~ 1 } The proh i bi ti ans on parking cantai ned i n this secti an apply i n <br />the Downtown ~ Devel opment District established by section 2.154 of this code. <br />~, o~„~. Subsect i an ~ 5 } of Sect i an 5. Z85 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s <br />amended to provide: <br />5.285 Char a for Off- r e P rkin . <br />~ 5 } Except far the airport as defined i n section 2.415 of th i s <br />code, the following maximum charges are hereby established for off -street parking <br />facilities provided by the city. The charges for a specific facility or part <br />thereof and the conditions upon which parking i s authorized shall be established <br />by administrative action of the city manager: <br />Hauriy Rates ~Z.DD <br />Daily* ~ ~3.5D <br />Special Event** X3.04 <br />Monthly Permit ~5D.OD <br />* 1 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sundays and Holidays . <br />** after fi p.m. any day of the. year and all day Sundays and <br />holidays notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter. <br />' .Section fi.3Z5 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to provide: <br />6.325 Areal . Any person who i s den i ed a permi t, or i s granted a permi t <br />with cond i t i ans, may appeal the den i a1 or imposition of conditions, <br />by f i 1 i ng a wri tten nvt i ce of appeal with the city manager or designee within 15 <br />days of the date of denial or the date of issuance of the permit with conditions <br />imposed. The, appeal shall be governed by section Z.OZ1 of this code. The appeal <br />must include the specific basis ar bases upon which the appellant asserts that <br />the decision was i n error. <br />Section 1D. Subsection 8.0051} ~c} of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended <br />to provide : <br />8.005 Administrative ode. <br />(7) e ls. <br />Qrdinance - 10 <br />