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the same manner as on gi nai appointments and the appointee shall hoi d office for <br />the remainder of the unexpired term.. A member who i s absent for more than three <br />consecutively scheduled meetings without having been excused by the president of <br />the pi anni ng commission shat i be removed and the vacancy f i 1 i ed. <br />~ 4 } Officers meet ~ n s and rui es of racedure. The officers of the <br />committee shall be a chairperson and vice-chairperson, elected by majority vote <br />of the committee. The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the board aid <br />shal 1 have the right to vote. The vice-chairperson shai l , i n case of absence or <br />di sabi i i ty of the chairperson, perform the duties of the chairperson. 4f f i cers <br />shai 1 serve for terms of one year or unti 1 thei r successors are regui arly ei ected <br />and take office. The committee shat 1 hal d meetings at such times as i t deems <br />necessary, and shat 1 a1 so meet upon the cal 1 of the chairperson. four members <br />of the committee shai i const i tuts a quorum. The concurring vote of a ma j on ty <br />of members present shall be required for approval or disapproval of any motion <br />or other action of the committee. Ail meetings shall be open to the pubs i c. At <br />public hearings, al 1 interested parties shat 1- be enti ti ed ~ to appear and address <br />the committee. The committee may make and .ai ter rules for its conduct and <br />procedure, providing they are consistent with state 1 aw and apps i cabl a prov i s i ons <br />of the city charter, ordinances and policies. <br />~5} owers and duties. The committee sha11 take all steps <br />necessary to preserve historic properties pursuant to this code and shall support <br />programs and projects which will help make the citizens of the city and its <br />visitors aware of its origin, development and historic significance . Pursuant <br />to chapter 9 of this code, the committee shat i <br />~a} Designate an historic landmark; <br />fib} Remove historic 1 andmark status when any 1 andmark has <br />deteriorated, been altered or destroyed, and no i onger meets any of <br />the criteria i n chapter 9; <br />~ c } Act upon applications concerning moving or demolition of <br />historic properties; <br />~d} Review and act upon appeals of planning director <br />decisions far historic property alterations, including appeal s <br />initiated by the committee. <br />Section .Section 2.1105 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide: <br />2.1105 HOUSin Develo meat Pro'ects - Definitions. Except where the context <br />otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section govern the <br />construction of sections 2.1102 to 2.1135 of this code. <br />~ a} Pro 'ect means any residential housing devei opment on <br />i and within the corporate i i mi is of the city. <br />fib} ~_9~ bl_e aro~ ct means a pro jest found by the city to <br />meet the standards adopted pursuant to 2.1102 to 2.1135 of this <br />code. <br />~c } Cost includes, but i s not limited to, the definition of <br />cost at ORS 284.4104} and other charges and expenses which qualify <br />for payment out of the proceeds of bonds issued under sections <br />2.1102 to 2.1135 of this code. <br />~d} Cammi ttee means the committee estabi i shed by the city <br />manager or designee, to perform the functions and duties prescribed <br />in sections 2.lllo to 2.1135 of this code. <br />Ordinance - 9 <br />