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~ 1~ Any and a1 l boards, commissions and committees appointed <br />pursuant to state ] aw or ordinance of the city sha11 exercise the functions and <br />perform the responsibilities therein contained. Any ad hoc committee created by <br />the council ar department advisory ad hoc committee created by the city manager <br />or designee shall perform the duties prescribed at the time the committee i s <br />created. Ali committees sha11 have a chaff rperson to be appointed by the counci 1, <br />or city manager or designee, or i n the absence of such appoi ntment a chaff rperson <br />and secretary sha11 be elected by vote of a ma jori ty of the committee at its <br />first meeting. Committee membership may include members of the counci 1 anal <br />interested citizens, or both. <br />~5~ The membership of an ad hoc committee appointed for a specific <br />purpose shai l end at the time the final report of the committee i s made to the <br />council or city manager or designee. <br />~9~ Except for terms expiring December 31, 1993, and unless <br />otherwise .provided i n the ordinance, resolution, state law or other action <br />creating the board, commission or committee, the terms of all members on boards, <br />commissions and committees other than ad hoc or department advisory committees <br />shai i expire on May 31 of the year the member's term has been designated to <br />expire. If no quaff i f i ed successor has been appointed as of that date, a member's <br />term shat l continue anti 1 the member's successor i s appointed and qualified. The <br />terms that are designated to expire on December 31, 1993 shat 1 be extended to May <br />31, 1994, providing the member i s wi 11 i ng to continue serving. <br />~ 10} vacancies on boards, commissions and committees, including ad <br />hoc and department advisory committees, shall be f i l 1 ed i n the same manner as <br />on g i na1 appointments, unless those procedures are i n conflict with the <br />ordinance, resolution or state i aw creating the same. <br />~ 11 ~ Pursuant to the requirements and provisions of section 294.336 <br />of Oregon Revised Statutes, a budget committee sha11 .consist of all members of <br />the counci i and a 1 i ke number of qualified e1 actors of the city, who shai 1 be <br />appointed pursuant to the following: <br />~a} On or before the fourth Monday in the month of January <br />of any year, vacancies i n the office of appointive members of the <br />budget committee shal 1 be f i 11 ed by appoi ntment by the counci 1. <br />~ b~ Appointive members of the budget committee shat 1 be <br />appointed for terms of three years, and subsequently, upon council <br />approval , may be reappointed once to such position upon expiration <br />of the term ari gi nal 1y appointed for. Yacanci es i n the appointive <br />membership of the budget committee shall be f i 1 l ed i n the same <br />manner as original appointments. <br />Section. Sections 2.050, 2.051, 2.052, 2.053, 2.054, 2,105, 2.101, <br />2.109, 2.111, 2,150, 2,151, 2.152, 2.153, 2.155, 2.156, 2.151, 2,155, 2.159, <br />2,160, 2.161, 2.162, 2.163, 2,164, 2.165, 2.166, 2.110, 2.215, 2.235, 2.240, <br />2.245, 2.241, 2.249, 2.251, 2.293, 2.295, 2.404, 2.405, 2.406, 2.630, 2.632, <br />2.634, 2.636, 3.119, 3,121, 3.123, 3.125, and fi.315 of the Eugene Code, 1911, are <br />repealed. <br />Ordinance - 6 <br />