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~,ec 'an .Section 2.154 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to provide: <br />2.154 Downtown Devela men `str'c - Ba ndar'e .The Downtown Development <br />District i s defined as that part of the city bounded by a 1 i ne: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the center 1 i ne of 10th Avenue with <br />the center 1 i ne of l i ncol n Street; and running thence north to the <br />center line of 8th Avenue; thence, easterly to the west line of lot <br />8 cif extended southerly} in block 8, Skinner's Addition; thence, <br />north along said west 1 i ne to the center of the east-west alley <br />between lth Avenue and 8th Avenue; thence, east to the center of <br />block 1, Skinner's Addition; thence, north fi0 feet; thence, east to <br />the centerline of Olive Street; thence, north to the center 1 i ne of <br />1th Avenue; thence, east to the center of the north-south alley <br />between Wi 11 amette Street and Oak Street; thence, south to the <br />center 1 i ne of South Park Street; thence, east to the center 1 i ne of <br />East Park Street; thence, north to the center line of 8th Avenue; <br />thence, east to the center 1 ine of Pearl Street; thence, south to <br />the center 1 ine of 11th Avenue; thence, west to the center of the <br />north-south al ~ ey between Pearl Street and Dak Street; thence, south <br />to the north line of lot fi, block 2, Christian's Addition; thence, <br />west to the center 1 i ne of Dak Street; thence, north to the south <br />line of lot 4 ~ i f extended east} , b1 ock 20, Mul 1 i gan's Donation; <br />thence, west to the center of the north-south alley between oak <br />Street and Willamette Street; thence, south 120 feet; thence, west <br />tv the center 1 i ne of Willamette Street; thence, north to the north <br />1 i ne of l of l ~ i f extended east} , block A, Dorris Addition; thence, <br />west to the center of the north- south alley between Wi 11 amette <br />Street and D1 i ve Street; thence, south to the center of the <br />east-west alley between 11th Avenue and 12th Avenue; thence, west to <br />the center 1 i ne of Olive Street; thence, north to the center 1 i ne of <br />11th Avenue; thence, west to the center line of Charnel tan Street; <br />thence, north to the center 1 ine of loth Avenue; and thence, west to <br />the paint of beginning. <br />Section 4. Section 2.210 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended to provide: <br />2.210 ,human ,Rights Commiss~~'on~- Membership. <br />~1} The commission shall consist vf: <br />~ a} Dne member of the city council or the mayor; <br />~ b} Fourteen citizens wi th a demonstrated interest i n or <br />knowledge of the human rights concerns of the community, chosen to <br />ensure a balance between men and women on the commission as well as <br />representation from the racial , ethnic, religious, disabled and <br />other groups i n the cammuni ty. <br />Members shall be appointed by the counci 1. <br />~ 2 } vacancies on the commission shall be filled i n the same manner <br />as original appointments. Except where the vacancy occurs because the member <br />from the council or the mayor ceases to serve on the commission, the council <br />shall appoint within 3o days of the .position becoming vacant a person to complete <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />