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3.055 Business Licenses - Summar Sus ension. <br />~ 1 ~ Upon determining that a l i tensed activity or device presents <br />an immediate danger to person or property, or that insurance or bond required by <br />this code or rut es promulgated hereunder has lapsed, been cancelled, i s <br />inadequate, or less than the required amount, the city manager may summarily <br />suspend the l i tense for the activity or device. <br />Section 5, Anew Section 3.210 is added to the Eugene Code, 1911, to <br />provide: <br />3.210 Armed and Unarmed Investi ator - Exem ti on. A person hol di ng a vat id <br />current detective l i tense f turn the city of Springfield need not <br />comply with the requirements of sections 3.207 and 3.209 of this code i n order <br />to perform such services within the city of Eugene. However, prior to so acting, <br />such ~ persons shall complete the city's application form and pay the required <br />appl ~cat~on fee. <br />Section 6. Section 3.345 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended by adding <br />a new Subsection ~9~ thereto, to provide: <br />3.345 Public Passen er Veh i c1 a Services -license nd or Permit Re i red. <br />~9~ The term for a l icense issued hereunder shall commence on <br />January 1 and expire on December 31 of the year issued. The license fee for <br />applications received after January 1 shat l be prorated an the basis of that <br />term. An application far extension or renewal of an existing 1 i tense must be <br />submitted by November 1, accompanied by the required l i tense fee. Fai 1 ure to <br />submit the license fee with the extension or renewal application, or to pay the <br />same before the end of the current l i tense term may result i n the licensee being <br />required to submi t a new application and pay an application fee. A 1 i tenses who <br />submits an extension or renewal application after November 1 may be assessed a <br />penalty fee of $10 per day for each day between November 1 and the date the <br />application i s submitted, <br />Section 1. Sections 3,115, 3.111, 3.131, 3.134, and 3.145 of the Eugene <br />Code, 1911 are renumbered 3.850, 3.852, 3.854, 3.856, and 3.858 respectively, and <br />amended, to provide: <br />Ambulance <br />3.850 Ambul anc.e_ -Registration and„ Personne~,,,,,,,,,Requi red,, <br />~ 1 ~ No person shal ~ operate an ambulance veh i cl a or business wi thi n <br />the corporate l i mi is of the city without first registering for operation with the <br />city. <br />~2~ No person shall operate a vehi c] a as an ambulance that i s not <br />equipped, operated, and attended by the personnel as required by the rules <br />adopted under this chapter. <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />