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3.852 Ambulance - Exem t Persons and Activities. The provisions of <br />sections 3,850 to 3,858 do not apply to: <br />~a} Vehicles owned or operated by the city, state, or <br />federal governments, ar political subdivisions thereof; <br />4b} Vehicles being used to render temporary assistance to <br />registered ambulance operators i n case of a publ i c catastrophe or <br />emergency with which the registered ambulances of the city are <br />unable to cope, or when directed to be used to render temporary <br />assistance by a publ is official at the scene of an accident; <br />~c} Vehicles operated sot ely on private property or wi thi n <br />the confines of institutional grounds, whether or not the incidental <br />crossing of any public street, road or highway serving the property <br />or grounds i s involved; <br />~d } Vehi c1 es operating from a bus i Hess location, office or <br />headquarters outside the city, that are transporting a patient from <br />outside the city to a heal th care facility within the city or are <br />picking up a patient from within the city for transport outside the <br />city, ar vehicles which are passing through without destination i n <br />the city; <br />fie} Any person who drives or who attends a patient <br />transported i n a vehi cl a under subsections ~a} to fie} of thi s <br />section; or <br />~ f } Any doctor or registered nurse who by state or federal <br />license i s authors Zed to attend patients, except emergency medical <br />technicians and emergency medical technician trainees as provided <br />under this code. <br />3.854 Am„b„~1,,a,nce,,,,-,,,,,,,,Oyer to„rs. Each ambulance operator shall: <br />~ a} Maintain and make avai 1 abl e, upon request of the city <br />al 1 records requ~ red by rules made pursuant to this chapter; <br />4b} Employ only emergency medical technicians who are <br />certified by the State Health Division and who meet the requirements <br />of rules adopted under this chapter; <br />~c} Enlist the services of a physici an advisor who shat l be <br />a resident of ar actively practicing in the city; <br />~d} Make available, upon request, written information to the <br />public concerning rate information; <br />fie} Meet the response times and minimum levels of care <br />required by the rules adapted under this chapter; <br />~ f } Render emergency medical services 24 hours a day, seven <br />days a week. Pre-hospital medical services and ambulance <br />transportation shall be available to all persons i n the service area <br />without regard, to race, color, religion, gender, di sabi 1 i ty, age, <br />mars tal or fame 1 ~ al status, national ari gi n, or obi 1 i ty to pay; <br />fig} Serve a reasonabl a and logical service area; <br />~h} Submit to the city, at the time of registration, proof <br />of bond and/or all insurance required by rules adopted under thi s <br />chapter. <br />3.85fi Ambulance -Termination or Revi si an of Service, An ambulance <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />