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destination of transport. <br />indicate the nature of the <br />the assistance rendered. <br />~c} Equip each first aid <br />with supplies and equipment that <br />1 aw; <br />First aid veh i cl a owners shall also <br />injury, illness or disability, and <br />and medical transport vehicle only <br />fully comply with state and ] ocal <br />~d} Equip each medical transport vehi c1 a wi th a f i re <br />extinguisher, of a IAIOBC or 2AlOBC, 2 1/2 pound type, readily <br />accessible to the driver i n the area of the front seat, which shat l <br />be serviced annually and immediate]y after each use; <br />fie} Equip each first aid and medical transport vehi cl a wi th <br />roller gauze ~Kl i ng}, surgi pads, 4x4 inch gauze dressing, <br />anti -bacter~ al o~ ntment, a1 cahol preps, ice packs, scissors, and <br />splinter forceps; <br />~ f } Not use or permit to be used a f i rst aid or medical <br />transport vehicle which: <br />1. Is equipped with rotating beacons, light bars, <br />sirens, or any other type of emergency warning device except <br />standard four-way hazard flashers; <br />2. Is equipped to provide oxygen administration. A <br />first aid or medical transport vehicle may transport persons <br />requiring constant oxygen administration due to chroni c <br />respiratory conditions who use their awn oxygen apparatus but <br />who do not require ambulance service; <br />3. l s equipped with any type of stretcher, gurney, or <br />cot . <br />fig} Employ as first aid or medical transport vehi cl e <br />operators only persons who are currently certified by the State of <br />Oregon at a mi n i mum as an emergency medical technician 8 or <br />certified nursing assistant. <br />~h} Not use, cause to be used or permit any advertising, <br />signing or other communication relating to a f i rst aid or medical <br />transport vehicle which cantai ns any reference to, or which uses <br />words, symbols or other devices which cause or are likely to cause <br />confusion as to the identity of the vehicle as an ambulance. <br />~ i } Comply.wi th all appl i cabl a federal laws and regulations, <br />~ nc1 ud~ ng the Amen cans w~ th Disabilities Act, state and local laws <br />and regulations, including rules promulgated by the city manager, <br />Such rules may include, but not be l i mi ted to, the type and 1 evel of <br />insurance required, the form of hold harmless agreement required, <br />the may ntenance and ~ nspect~ on of records, and other i nspecti an or <br />vehicle requirements. <br />~j} First aid vehicle owners shall retain a physician <br />adv~ sor why ~ s 1 ~ tensed to practice medicine by the State of Oregon <br />and make his/her name, address and telephone number avai 1 abl a to the <br />city upon request. <br />~k} Provide the city, at the time of registration, and at <br />least ten days pri ar to any change thereto, a l i st setting forth the <br />fares or charges, and past a copy of the same inside the first ai d <br />or medical transport vehi c] e. <br />~2 } When transporting persons i n wheel chaff rs, a f i rst aid or <br />medical transport vehicle owner shall: <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />