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operator shall give the city at 1 east 9o days pri ar notice ~ n wri ti ng <br />of any material change ~n services offered or service area, and proof that <br />similar notice has been provided to all health care f ac i 1 i t i es i n the service <br />area. <br />3.858 Ambulance - Prohibited Activities. No ambulance operator or <br />ambulance operator's employee shall : <br />~a} Monitor or intercept another's radio dispatch or <br />transmission far profit or gain; <br />fib} Sal i ci t i of armati on as to accident 1 ocat i ons by payment <br />of any farm of gratuity; <br />~c} Charge for services not performed or make duplicate <br />charges for the same service; <br />~d} Perform services of an emergency medical technician or <br />emergency medical technician trainee unless authori Zed by state l aw, <br />the s chapter, and the rules adopted hereunder; <br />fie} Fail or refuse to promptly advise the dispatch office of <br />rece~ pt of a request for emergency medical assistance or when an <br />operator's ambulance becomes available or non-available to respond <br />to dispatch orders; <br />4 f } Respond by ambulance to an emergency cal 1 unless so <br />authorized by a dispatch office or under a provision of this <br />chapter ar rule adopted hereunder; <br />fig} Fai 1 or refuse to respond to a di spatch order from the <br />d~ spatch office when the ambulance subject to the cal 1 i s avai l abl e <br />for service; or <br />~ h } Falsify, deface ,or ob1 i terate any registration or <br />certi f ~ cote requ~ red under the s chapter. <br />Section 8. Sections 3.862, 3.8fi4, and 3.866 of the Eugene Code, 1911, are <br />amended to provide: <br />i rst Aid and Medic 1 Tr ns ort vehicles <br />3.8fi~ First Aid and Medical Trans ort Vehicles -Res onsi bi l i ti es of Owner. <br />~ 1 } No person shall operate a f i rst aid or medical transport <br />vehicle or business without first registering with the city and paying the <br />required fees. First aid and medical transport vehicle owners shall: <br />~a} Ensure that vehicles are clean, present a good <br />appearance, are equipped as required herein, and maintained i n a <br />safe condition and according to manufacturer's instructions; <br />~ b} Maintain f or a peri od of three years and make avai l ab1 e <br />to the city upon request: <br />1. Retards of the supplies and equipment carried in <br />each first aid or medical transport vehi c1 e; <br />~. Comp1 ete maintenance records for each vehicles and <br />3. Customer service records i nc1 ud i ng the name of the <br />customer, the date and time of transport, and the origin and <br />Ordinance - fi <br />