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terms 1 i steel below are replaced i n this ordinance as indicated below: <br />Historic term Repl a,~,, ntt,,,erm <br />drainage stormwater <br />sanitary sewer wastewater system <br />sewage wastewater <br />sewer service stormwater service and wastewater service <br />storm sewer stormwater system <br />F. ~t is more equitable if the charges for stormwater service are <br />calculated i n a manner that reflects the use of the stor~ater service. The <br />presence of impervious surface on property i s a reasonabl a indicator of the <br />amount of water that may be discharged into the city stormwater system and, <br />therefore, i s a reasonabl a basis upon which to determine the charge for <br />stormwater service, <br />G. The Council desires that those who use stormwater service pay for the <br />service. Those who dispose of stormwater without using the city stormwater <br />system should not have to pay for stormwater service. <br />H. The City provides a valuable public service by providing stormwater <br />systems for the cal l ect~ on and d~ sposal of stormwater discharged from properties <br />within and without the city and from the public rights-of -way within the city. <br />The city stormwater system con st i tutes a publ i c ut i 1 i ty owned and operated by the <br />City of Eugene. The ut~1 qty exists for the benefit of any person within the city <br />who wants to have the system oval 1 abl a for the diversion, col 1 ectivn and di sposal <br />of stormwater from the person's premises and represents a muni ci pal service i n <br />a level oped urban envy ronment which i s essential to the public health, safety and <br />welfare. <br />I. Developers, owners, or occupants of property who use stormwater <br />service ought to be charged rates that reflect the operation of the city <br />stormwater system as a publ i c uti 1 i ty. Developers, owners, or occupants of <br />property ought not be compelled to use this uti 1 i ty, nor to pay monthly uti 1 i ty <br />rates, i f the uti 1 i ty i s not to be used by the person, Developers, owners, or <br />occupants of property who undertake the installation of foci 1 i ti es on real <br />property that reduce or eliminate the discharge of stormwater into the city <br />stormwater system ought to be given credit, i n prapart i on to the degree of <br />reduction or elimination, against stormwater service charges that would otherwise <br />be due. <br />J . Accordingly, the structure of the stormwater ut i 1 i ty i s intended to <br />be a fee far service and not a charge against property. Although this structure <br />i s intended to contt i tute a servi ce charge, even i f i t i s viewed as a char e <br />9 <br />agar nst property or agar nst a property owner as a d~ rect consequence of ownershi p <br />of that property, the ut i 1 i ty's rate structure should nanethel ess allow the owner <br />to have the ability to control the amount of the charge. Similarly, the <br />uti 1 i ty's rate structure shoul d refl ect the actual costs of providing the service <br />and not impose charges on persons not receiving a service. The actual costs may <br />include al 1 costs the uti 1 i ty might incur were i t i n private ownership. <br />k. Improperly drained property and poorly maintained drainage courses <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />