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Ordinance No. 19940
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19940
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:50 PM
Creation date
11/21/2008 1:05:46 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance regarding the industrial pretreatment program; and amending sections 6.501, 6.506, 6.511, 6.516, 6.521, 6.526, 6.531, 6.536, 6.541, 6.546, 6.551, 6.556, 6.561, 6.566, 6.571, 6.576, 6.990, 6.581, 6.586, 6.591 thru 6.596 of Eugene Code, 1971.
Approved Date
Ruth F. Bascom
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do not consti tute a contractual obligation under this paragraph . <br />Pass ,,,through. A discharge which exits the city wastewater <br />system i nto ~~~~ water of the United States or state i n uanti t i es or <br />q . <br />concentrat ~ ons wh ~ ch, alone or ~ n conjunct ~ on w~ th a d ~ scharge or <br />discharges from other sources, i s a cause of a vi of ati on of any <br />requirement of the city wastewater system NPDES permit ~ i ncl ud i ng an <br />~ ncrease ~ n the magn ~ tulle ar duration of a vi of ati on ~ . <br />Person. Any individual., partnership, joi nt-venture, firms <br />company, cooperative, corporation, association, joint stock company, <br />trust, ,estate, governmental entity or any other 1 egal entity. The <br />mascul ~ ne gender shall ~ ncl ude the feminine and the singular shat l <br />include the plural . <br />~H. The logarithm of the reci proca1 of the weight of hydrogen <br />~ ons ~ n grams per liter of solution. <br />Pollutant . Any element ar compound discharged into the city <br />wastewater, system except water unless the water has been heated, <br />cooled or ~ rrad ~ ated . <br />Pollution . The alteration of the chemical , physical , <br />biological or radiological state of water. <br />Pretreatment . The reduction or elimination of pol 1 utants i n <br />wastewater prior to discharge. <br />Process wastewater. Water which, during manufacturing or <br />processing, comes into contact with or results from the production <br />of or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished <br />product, byproduct or waste praduct. <br />Restricted substance. Pollutants 1 i sted i n section 6.511 of <br />this code, or as prescribed by the city manager pursuant to section <br />6.516 of this code. <br />Sa m-ple. Any portion of wastewater representing a discharge, <br />which may be a grab sample, or a compos i to of several sampi es <br />representing the sewer discharge over a period of time. <br />Septag,e, waste. Domestic waste extracted from a sewage <br />containment system. <br />SIC number. A classification pursuant to the Standard <br />Industrial Classification Manual issued by the Executive Off ice of <br />the President, Office of Management and Budget, 1912. <br />Si gn i,f i cant ~,ndustri al user. Any industrial user which <br />In-nine <br />~ a~ ~ Ills sub j~ect tlo categorical pretreatment standards under <br />40 CFR 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N or rules promulgated <br />by the city manager, or <br />~ b} Has significant amount of toxic pollutants i n its <br />wastewater, as determined by the city manager, Or <br />~c~ Discharges an average of at least 25, 000 gallons per day <br />of wastewater excluding domestic wasted in any period of 1Z <br />consecutive calendar months, or <br />~d} , Discharges water, including wastewater, which an any day <br />~ n any per od of 1 ~ consecut ~ ve calendar months canst i tutes at least <br />five percent of the average daily dry weather hydraulic or organ i c <br />capacity of the city wastewater system, or <br />fie} Is determined by the city manager to have a reasonable <br />potential for adversely affecting the city wastewater system's <br />operation or for violating any pretreatment standards. <br />S1 u load. Any discharge Of a non-routine episodic nature, <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />
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