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Section 19. Subsection fib} of Section 9.508 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is <br />amended to provide <br />9.508 Purpose. When applicable, planned unit development regulations are <br />intended ta: <br />~ b} Provide f 1 exi bi 1 i ty i n architectural design, placement <br />and clustering of bui 1 di ngs, use of open space and outdoor 1 i vi ng <br />areas, and provision of foci 1 i ties for the circulation of <br />automobi 1 es, pedestrians, bicycles, and mass transit, parking, <br />storage and related site and design considerations ; <br />Section 20. Subsection ~ 2 } ~ a} . of Section 9.510 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />i s amended to provide <br />9.510 General Provisions. <br />~2} Processin ste s. Prior to issuance of a building permit, <br />planned unit development applications must be approved at each of the fo11 owi ng <br />two steps: <br />. ~a} ,Ste one - tentative tans. Hearings official <br />cons~derat~on of ~1} off-site impacts including reasonable <br />compati bi 1 i ty with adjacent areas, ~2} site sui tabi 1 i ty for the <br />proposed development, ~3} building height, bulk and location, ~4} <br />solar access, 45} ,relationship to exi sting and planned public <br />services, ~6} on-site factors including, but not limited ta, an <br />attractive, safe, and convenient environment in terms of buildings, <br />open space, parking, and circulation for pedestrians, bicycles, <br />automobi 1 es, and mass transit, ~7} cannecti vi ty for pedestrians and <br />bicyclists with adjacent and nearby residential areas, trans i t <br />stops, neighborhood activity centers, commercial areas, and office <br />and industrial parks; and ~8} provision for trans i t-related <br />facilities.. At a minimum, "nearby" is interpreted to mean uses <br />within .1/4 mi 1 e which can reasonably be expected to be used by <br />pedestrians, and uses within one to two miles which can reasonably <br />be expected to be used by bicyclists. <br />Section 21. Subsection ~5} of Section 9.512 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is <br />amended by adding new subparagraphs ~ j } and ~ k} thereto, to provide: <br />9.512 Tentative Plan Consideration. <br />~fi} ,Decision. Un1 ess the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, <br />the hearings aff~c~al shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a tentative <br />plan appl ~ cats on with findings and conclusions thereon, within 15 days following <br />the close of the public hearing and the record. Within five days after the <br />Ordinance - 10 <br />