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3 . The parties involved i n the jai nt parking foci 1 i ty <br />agree to the joint use arrangement in a legal document <br />approved by the city attorney; and <br />4. The 1 egal document i s recorded i n the office of <br />the lane County Recorder and a copy f i 1 ed with the city' s <br />building division. <br />~c} Joint use simultaneous] The building official may <br />authorize simultaneous use of required facilities provided: <br />1. No more than two uses under separate ownership or <br />occupancy shall be involved, <br />2 . The uses are included i n the commercial types <br />listed in section 9.586~c}, <br />3 . The uses will occur i n the same bui 1 di ng, <br />4. It can be reasonably anticipated that a number of <br />customers or clients wi 11 be served by both uses while i n the <br />building, and, <br />5. The number of spaces provided will be at least <br />equal to the greater required of the two uses individually. <br />The bui 1 d i ng official shall deterrni ne the extent of reduction on an <br />individual basis as conditions warrant. <br />Section 31. Section 9.593 of the Eugene Code, 1911 is renumbered to 9.589 <br />and amended to provide <br />. 89 Parkin Area Land <br />g., s,capi ng an,d Screen i n,g Standards . <br />~ 1 } Descri pti on,,, and pure,ose. Parking 1 ots shal 1 be 1 andscaped with <br />trees, shrubs and groundcovers to reduce the visual impact of glare, headlights, <br />and parking lot lights from the public right-of-way and from adjoining <br />properties; to reduce the area of impervious surfaces within parking 1 ots; to <br />reduce the 1 evel of carbon dioxide i n areas of ~ heavy veh i c1 a use and to return <br />pure oxygen to the atmosphere; to insure safe and efficient on-site circulation; <br />to provide shade as a means of altering the microclimate of parking lots; and to <br />improve the appearance of parka ng 1 ots . All public and private outdoor parking <br />areas created or expanded after December 6, 1993, that provide for three or more <br />spaces, shall provide parking 1 of landscaping according to the following <br />requirements. Any expansion of an existing parking lot will require improvement <br />of the non-conforming portion of the lot as well as the expanded area. <br />~ 2 } General re u i rements , <br />~ a} All walkways constructed within parking 1 ots shat 1 be <br />raised to a standard sidewal k height. Where walkways cross driving <br />ai s1 es, they shal 1 be clearly marked with striping or constructed <br />with a contrasting paving material. ~5ee Figure 11}. <br />fib} The minimum planting site for trees shall be 2.0 inches <br />caliper as measured by American Association of Nurserymen standards. <br />~c} Trees shall be planted in a landscaped area such that <br />the tree bole i s at 1 east three feet from any curb or paved area. <br />See Figure 18} <br />~d} A mi n i mum of 70 percent of all landscape areas, <br />including required planting strips and planting islands, shall be <br />covered with 1 i vi ng plant materi a1. . <br />Ordinance - 21~ <br />