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applied only to parking 1 ots i n the PL Public land zone with 1000 or more spaces <br />on which special events such as fairs, equipment displays, and community <br />festivals are regularly programmed. <br />~3} Professional,,,,_ Co,,,o,rdinato_r and,,,,,,D„~gn Team. A prafessioval <br />coordi natar, 1 i censed i n the State o.f Oregon, to practice architecture, l andsca e <br />p <br />arch tecture or eng~ neeri ng, or an Amen can Inst ~ tuts of Cert ~ f ~ ed P1 anners <br />member i n good standing shall ensure that the required plans are prepared and <br />executed. The prafessi anal coordinator shall also be the 1 i ai son between the <br />applicant and the city. A des i gn team, consisting of an arch i tect, a 1 andscape <br />arch i tect, ~ and, an eng ~ Weer, or engineer and land surveyor, shal 1 be designated <br />by the profess ~ anal coord ~ nator to prepare appropriate plans . Each team member <br />must be 1 i censed to practice i n the State of Oregon. <br />~4} Except as otherwise stated i n these regulations, general <br />parking.area screening and landscape standards, and site planning provisions <br />perta~n~ng to pedestrian circulation, sidewalk design, height of light standards, <br />minimum number of trees, parking area entrance driveways, visual breaks, 1 aadi ng <br />and delivery areas, minimum interior parking area 1 andscapi ng, interior area <br />1 andscape strips,, and planting i s.l ands 1 ocati ans and sizes may be modified <br />subject to a f ~ nd ~ ng of consistency with the purpose of Section 9.581 ~ a} . <br />5} S,dewal k Design. <br />., _ Routes to and through parking lots shal 1 be <br />clearly established by striping or shall be constructed with a different avin <br />P 9 <br />maters al to reduce confl ~ ct between pedestr~ ans and auto traff ~ c, and to <br />designate automobi 1 e routes . <br />~ } .~,~'„g __ „lard Hei ght. The height of 1 i ght standards shall not <br />fi , ~ i , ht St an,~~~~~.,~~,_. ~.~.~_~~,~~,._~ <br />exceed 50 feet ~ n height; the lighting system should be designed to place lower <br />scale 1 i ght poles, not to exceed 25 feet i n height, at the edges of parking areas <br />wh ~ ch abut res i dent ~ al l y zoned property. Perimeter lighting shall be equipped <br />with adjustable 1 enses to prevent glare and sp i 11-over into adjacent residential <br />areas . <br />~ l } Minimum Number of Trees . Trees shal 1 be provided on the <br />development site i n the amounts described i n Section 9.589 ~ 2 } ~g } but need not be <br />evenly distributed throughout the parking area. <br />~8} loadin and Deliver Areas. Loading and delivery areas <br />adjacent to areas used for residential development shall provide for noise <br />attenuation. <br />Section 30. Section 9.590 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is~ renumbered to 9.588 <br />and amended to provide <br />9.588 Shared Parkin . When two or more uses share common parking <br />faci 1 i ti es, the total number of parking spaces required shall be the <br />sum of spaces required for those uses individually, except for: <br />~ a} Shopping centers as described i n section 9.58fi ~ c } . <br />fib} ,Joint use at different times. The building official may <br />authors ze ~o~ nt use of requ~ red faci 1 i ti es provided: <br />1. The applicant shows there will be no substantial <br />conf 1 i ct i n .the principal operating hours of the bu i 1 di ngs or <br />uses for which the point parking use is proposed; <br />2, The parking facility will be within ~~QD feet of <br />bui 1 di ngs or uses i t wi ~ 1 serve; <br />Ordinance - 2fi <br />