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formulas established in valuation of landsca a Trees <br />Shrubs and Other ~ Plants International Society of <br />Arborcul ture} and shall relieve the contractor/ <br />developer from planting a number of trees equal to the <br />value of the Heritage Tree preserved. <br />2. Contractors/developers who choose to reserve <br />. P <br />s ~ gn ~ f ~ cant vegetat ~ on on the s ~ te, ~ ncl ud~ ng Heritage Trees, <br />shall be required to: <br />a. Submi t a Beta i 1 ed planting plan to the urban <br />forester who shall confirm that vegetati an to be <br />preserved. conforms to the definition for significant <br />vegetation or Heritage Tree; <br />b. Follow the urban forester's recommendations <br />to insure that na cutting, f i l 1 i ng or compaction of sal l <br />takes place within the root zone protect i an area, which <br />cons ~ sts of 1516 of the area defined by the dri pl i ne of <br />the tree. Alteration of the soi 1 within the root zone <br />protection area shall require submittal , to the city <br />urban forester, of a plan for mitigative actions to <br />preserve the tree. The mitigation p1 an shat 1 address <br />drainage, campacti on, feeding, and pruning measures that <br />wi 11 be taken to insure the cant i Hued health of the tree <br />before and after the root zone protection area i s <br />disturbed . <br />c, Execute an agreement with the city to <br />replace any significant tree or Heritage Tree that dies <br />w~ th ~ n f ~ ve years of the date the agreement i s signed . <br />For trees determined to be significant, replacement <br />trees shall be provided at the rate of two new trees for <br />each tree lost, The replacement ratio for Heritage <br />Trees i s variable; the number of Heritage replacement <br />trees shal 1 be equal to the number credited, as provided <br />in section 9.5892}~i}1.d., above. The location of <br />replacement trees shat 1 be determined prior to execution <br />of the agreement . <br />~3} Parkin Area landsca in Al on a Publ is Ri ht-of-Wa . <br />~a} Parking areas abutting a publ is right-af-way, except <br />alleys and accessways, shall pravi de a pl ant i ng strip between the <br />right-of -way and the parking areas as fall ows: <br />1. Wi th i n a Trans i t Dri ented Devei opment District a <br />strip not less than five feet in width shall be provided; <br />2. In all other areas, a strip not less than seven <br />feet in width shall be provided. <br />The planting strip may be pierced by pedestrian and vehicular <br />accessways . Planting strips al ong a publ i c right-of -way shall be <br />planted with large-scale, high-canopy, horizontally-branching tree <br />species and asight-obscuring evergreen hedge. See Fig. 20} <br />. fib} Parking area entrance driveways shall be provided with <br />a m~ n~ mum seven foot w~ de planting strip between the entry drive and <br />the parking area to heighten entryway vi s i bi 1 i ty and improve parking <br />area ci rcu1 ati on. Entrance driveway planting strips shall be <br />planted with 1 arge- scat e, h i gh-canopy tree species and 1 ow shrubs or <br />Ordinance - 29 <br />