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ground cover, less than~l8" in height. See Fig. 21} <br />~c} visual breaks, , no, more .than five feet i n length, shal l <br />be prov ~ ded every 20 feet w~ th ~ n 1 andscaped planting strips abutting <br />public rights-of-way. See Fig. 22} <br />~d} Shrubs, when used as parking area perimeter screens, <br />shal 1 be planted ~ n m~ n ~ mum three gal 1 on container sizes, or l arger, <br />as necessary to achieve the desired screening height of 3o inches <br />within two years after planting. <br />fie} Parking area screening requirements may be achieved <br />through a combination of change of grade and use of plant materials. <br />Use of berms or drainage swales are acceptable, as is lowering the <br />grade of the parking area. S1 apes of 1 andscaped berms shal 1 not <br />exceed 1:4 for lawn areas, or I:2 for berms planted with <br />groundcvvers and shrubs . ~ 5ee Fig . 23 } <br />~4} Parkin and Loadi n Area landsca i n Al on Abutt i n Pro ert <br />lines. <br />~a} Along the perimeter of the parking area, a planting <br />strip, not 1 ess than seven feet i n width, shall be provided between <br />the property line and the parking area. The planting strip may be <br />pierced by pedestrian and vehicular accessways. On parcels 20,000 <br />square feet or 1 arger wi thi n a Trans i t Oriented Development district <br />described in section 9.2fi8~f} anal on Figure 3D, parking lots <br />abutting an interior 1 of line, other than an al 1 ey, shal 1 provide a <br />pl ant ~ ng str~ p, not 1 ess than four feet wide, between the property <br />1 i ne ,and the parking area. Parcels less than 20, 000 square feet <br />w~th~n the Transit Oriented Development district will not be <br />required to provide an interior planting strip between the property <br />line and the parking area. See Fig. 24} <br />~ b} Parking areas adjacent to property zoned for non- <br />residential development shall provide perimeter area landscaping <br />consisting of large-scale, high-canopied, horizontally-branching <br />trees and shrubs. Shrubs, when used as parking area perimeter <br />screens, shall be planted i n minimum three gall vn container sizes, <br />or 1 arger, as necessary to achi eve a desi red height of 30 inches <br />within two years after planting. <br />~c} Far parking areas adjacent to property zoned for <br />residential development, interior yards Cpl ant i ng strips } adjacent <br />to the residential property shall be planted wi th a buffer screen of <br />trees, shrubs capable of achieving a height of 8' within 5 years, <br />and living groundcover. See Fig. 25} <br />. ~d} Where , 1 oath ng and delivery areas abut property <br />des ~ gnated for res ~ dents al level apment, asound-obscuring wall shal l <br />be constructed between the service area and the residential <br />development. See Fig. 2fi} <br />fie} Outdoor storage areas and refuse c~a11 ecti on areas wi thi n <br />or adjacent to vehicular use areas shall be screened on four sides <br />so that materials stored within these areas shall nat be vi si bl e <br />from accessways and adjacent properties. Such areas shall not be <br />permitted within boundary 1 andscap i ng areas . <br />5 Interior Parks n Area„ , <br />~ a} ~andscap i ng shall~l be provided within i uteri Or arki n <br />. P 9 <br />areas so as to improve the v~ suai quaff ~ ti es of these areas, to <br />Ordinance - 30 <br />