sexual orientation or source of i ncame, or because an ~ i nd i v i dual e s
<br />a person wi th a di Sabi 1 i ty.
<br />~ f } Assist, induce, compel , or coerce another person to
<br />commit an act or engage in a practece that violates this subsection,
<br />and subsection ~3} of the s ~ secti on.
<br />fig} Coerce, intimidate, threaten or interfere with any
<br />person i n the exercise or. enjoyment of, ar an account of having
<br />aided or encouraged any other person en the exercise of, any right
<br />granted or protected by this section .
<br />~2} No person or other entity whose business includes engaging in
<br />residential real estate related transactions shall discriminate against any
<br />person in making available such a transaction, or in the terms or conditions of
<br />such a transaction, because of race, religion, color, .sex, national origin,
<br />marital status, farm 1 i al status, age, sexual orientation, source of income, or
<br />because an individual i s a person wi th a di sabi 1 i ty. As used i n this subsection
<br />~2}, "residential real estate related transaction" means the making ar purchasing
<br />of 1 oars or prove di ng ~ other financial assistance:
<br />~a} ~ ~ For. purchasing, constructing, improving, repairing or
<br />maintaining a dwelling; or
<br />~ b} Securing residential real estate; or
<br />~c} The sel 1 i ng, brokering or appraising of resi dente a1 real
<br />property.
<br />~3 } No real estate 1 i censee .shall accept ar retai n a l i st i ng of
<br />real property for sale, 1 ease or rental with an understanding that a purchaser
<br />may be discriminated against with respect to the sale, rental or 1 ease thereof
<br />because of race, religion, col or, ~ sex, national ori~g i n, marital status, familial
<br />status, age, sexual orientation, source of i ncame, or because an individual i s
<br />a person with a disability.,
<br />~ 4 } No person shat 1, for profit, induce or attempt to induce any
<br />other person to sel 1 or rent any dwel 1 i ng by representati ons regarding the entry
<br />or prospective entry into the ne i ghbarhood of a person or persons of a part i cul ar
<br />race, religion, color, sex, not i anal on gi ~n, marital status, f ami 1 i al status,
<br />.age, sexual orientation, source of income, or because an individual i s a person
<br />wi th a di sabi 1 i ty.
<br />~5} For purposes of this section., receipt or alleged receipt of
<br />treatment far a mental disorder shall not constitute evidence of a person's
<br />inability to acquire, rent or maintain property.
<br />fib} For purposes of this section, discrimination includes:
<br />4 a,} . A ref usal to .permit, at the expense of the person with
<br />a d~ sabi 1 ~ ty, reasonabl a mod i f e cat i ons of existing premises occupied
<br />or to be accupi ed~. by such person i f such modifications may be
<br />necessary to afford such person full enjoyment of the premises,
<br />except that, i n the case of a rental , the 1 andl ord may, where i t i s
<br />reasonable to do so, condition permission far such made f i cote ons on
<br />the renter agreeing to restore the interior of the premises to the
<br />condi ti.on that existed before the modification, reasonable wear and
<br />tear excepted; or,
<br />fib} A refusal to make reasonable accommodations in rules,
<br />policies, practices or services when such accommodate ans may be
<br />necessary to afford such person equal opportunity to use and enjoy
<br />a dwelling.
<br />~1} It shall be~ an unlawful housing practice to discriminate
<br />Ordinance - S
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