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Ordinance No. 19975
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19975
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:48:07 PM
Creation date
11/21/2008 2:19:01 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning H Historic District for properties in the Blair Boulevard historic commercial area; and declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Ruth F. Bascom
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ORDINANCE NO. f Q~ ~~ <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING H HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />FUR PROPERTIES IN THE BLAIRBUULEVARDHISTORIC <br />COMMERCIAL AREA; AND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Descri tion and Pur ose. The designation of the Blair Boulevard Historic <br />Commercial Area provides a means for the City to formally recognize and rotect its historic <br />• . p. <br />and architectural resources. Designated hxstor~c landmarks identify build~n s, sites trees <br />.. g > <br />sngns, or other objects of lustor~c sigrifxcance. Historic landmark designation hel s to <br />. .. P <br />preserve the City s herntage, Recognition of landmarks enhances the beautification of the <br />City, promotes the City'secanomic health, and preserves the values of these ro ernes. The <br />. PP <br />regulation of designated landmarks provides a means to review changes to a landmark and <br />ensure that historic and architectural values are preserved. <br />The purpose of the H Historic District is intended to permit, after a ro riate <br />pp p <br />review, the use of historically significant buildings and sites for a range of permitted uses not <br />otherwise found in one of the standard zoning districts. The purpose of the H Historic <br />District is to preserve these buildings where their maintenance and productive use would not <br />otherwise be economically practical, and where a standard zoning classification would be <br />inappropriate. <br />Qn March 10,1993 the Blair Boulevard Historic Commercial Area was desi Hated <br />. g <br />a City of Eugene H~stor~c District by the Eugene Historic Review Board. In accordance with <br />the procedures set forth in Resolution No. 3105 of the City Council, the Historic Review <br />Board at the same time adopted Design Guidelines applicable within this District. The <br />Design Guidelines, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A hereto area roved but not <br />} Pp <br />adopted herein, shall be applied to all properties with this historic zoning in order to <br />encourage compatibility and continuity with the area's historic ambience) and character, <br />Section Z. Permitted Uses. The Blair Boulevard Historic Commercial Area was <br />designated for its association with the Eugene working class. The area has alwa s been <br />. y. <br />characterized by a mix of res~dent~al, commercial and light ~ndustr~al uses, The hnstornc <br />district is the commercial core of the residential districts that are located to the east and <br />west of the area. There are four underlying Land use designations shown on the whiteaker <br />Plan Land Use Diagram for this area: 1} Residential, 2} Commercial, 3} Mixed Use, and <br />Ambience. fin.} The surroundings ar atmosphere of a place. The Blair Boulevard <br />Historic Commercial Area is a working class district characterized by a mix of residential, <br />commercial and industrial building types that are located along a diagonal boulevard with <br />a quantity of large shade trees evident. <br />
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