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fin} Social services, health services and religious facilities: <br />1. Child and day care services, including nursery schools. <br />Z. Churches and other religious facilities. <br />3. Clinics. <br />4. Meal services, non-profit, <br />5. Nursing home. <br />d. Residential group} care. <br />~o} Utilities: <br />1. Electrical substations, <br />gyp} Uses with similar operating characteristics and external impacts as the <br />uses described in this MU_~ ordinance. The city manager or designee <br />shall determine if uses similar to the above in terms of district intent, <br />operating characteristics, building bulk and size, parking demand, <br />customer types, and traffic generations are to be permitted, permitted <br />conditionally, or prohibited in the district. <br />~q} Accessory buildings and uses normal and incidental to the uses <br />permitted in this MU-w ordinance, <br />Section 3. Develo ment Standards. Except as provided in Subsections ~5} to X13} <br />of this Section, the "General Provisions: Height, Yard, Area, and Coverage Regulations, <br />Conditions and Exceptions; Special .Setback Requirements; off Street Parking <br />Requirements" set forth in Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971, shall apply within this MU- <br />w District. In the event of a conflict between the general provisions in Chapter 9 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971 and the provisions set forth in this Section, the specific provisions of this <br />Section shall prevail. <br />~1} Residential Standards. Except as provided in Subsections ~5} to X13} of this <br />Section, all residential development shall be governed by the general provisions as applied <br />to the C-~ General Commercial District in Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971. <br />~2} Industrial Standards. Except as provided in Subsections ~5} to X13} of this <br />Section, all industrial development shall be governed by the general provisions as established <br />in the I-~ Light-Medium Industrial District in Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971. <br />~3} Commercial and Professional Gffice Standards. Except as provided in <br />Subsections ~5} to X13} of this Section, all commercial or professional office development <br />shall be subject to the standards established far the C-2 General Commercial District in <br />Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971. <br />~4} Mixed Use Standards. Mixed use development shall be subject to the least <br />restrictive standards set forth in this section that are applicable to the project. <br />Ordinance - 5 X5123194 <br />