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~5} Pam. Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with applicable <br />provisions of the Eugene Code, 1971, including provisions for shared parking and parking <br />within 1000 feet of the development site, except that there shall be no off street parking <br />required for motor vehicles for up to six residential dwellings that are part of a mixed use <br />development. <br />~6} Landscaping. At the time property adjoining a public right of way is developed <br />or redeveloped, the curb strip landscaping shall be restored or implemented. An exception <br />to the use of plant materials shall be made if the curb strip is providing another function for <br />the public such as a bus stop shelter, secure bicycle storage area, or wider sidewalk. The <br />use of benches or moveable planters are also encouraged in this area. Any permits required <br />by provisions of the Eugene Cade, 1971 shall be obtained prior to such restoration or <br />installation of benches or planters. <br />~7} He„~h~. Height limitations in this district shall not exceed 45 feet in height. <br />Height limitations established in Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971, to protect the view <br />to and from Skinner Butte, shall apply to those areas indicated therein. <br />~8} Street Trees. No street tree in the public right-of way within the district shall <br />be removed without first securing from the city approval for the removal and the <br />replacement of the tree according to adopted standards , <br />~9} Lot Area. Each lot or development site shall have a minimum area of 4,500 <br />square feet, except far a duplex division lot created in accordance with the provisions of <br />Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />X10} Solar Access. Development in the MU-W District shall be exempt from the <br />solar access requirements of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />X11} Sl n D~stnct. The provisions of the Industrial Sign District as set forth in <br />Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code, 1971 shall apply within the MU-W District, except that <br />additional restrictions may be imposed through site review. <br />X12} Historic Marker Preservation. Development within this district shall not result <br />in removal of the stone marker of Eugene Skinner's cabin. When the area south of Second <br />Avenue, between Lawrence and Lincoln Streets, is redeveloped, enhanced opportunities for <br />public viewing of the stone marker shall be provided. <br />(13) <br />~rc~-4th (~nnnector Prior to new development along the 3rd-4th connector <br />the city engineer may include requirements such as, but not limited to, public right of way <br />dedication and realignment, street improvements, and sidewalks, <br /> <br />Section 4. Interpretation. References in this Ordinance to a provision of the Eugene <br />Code, 1971 shall be interpreted to be a reference to the provision or successor provision as <br />ordinance - d 45/23/94 <br />