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including applicable provisions of the Federal Clean Water Act and the State of <br />Oregon's wetland laws. <br />The natural functions and values intended to be protected by this district <br />include: floodwater storage, floodwater conveyance, sediment control, erosion <br />control , poll ut i on control , fish and wi 1 dl i fe habitat, aquifer recharge, water <br />supply, native plant communities, and habitat for rare, threatened or endangered <br />plant and animal species. It is recognized that not all sites will exhibit all <br />of these functions and values. <br />~2} A,pplicability. The NR district applies to wetlands, water <br />features and other natural areas that are designated as "wetlands to be <br />protected" or "wetlands to be enhanced for mi ti gati an credit" on Map 3 of the <br />adopted West Eugene Wetlands P1 an and acquired by a publ i c agency or non-prof i t <br />conservation organization. <br />~a} The provisions of the NR di strict do not exempt a person <br />ar property from state or federal laws and regulations that protect <br />water quality, wetlands, or other natural areas . . <br />fib} In some cases, the NR district may overlap with the <br />wetland buffer sub-district or the waterside protection sub- <br />district. Yn these cases, only one review process is required as <br />follows: <br />1. Where the NR district and the wetland buffer sub- <br />district overlap, only the provisions of the NR district are <br />applied. <br />2. Where the NR district and the waterside protection <br />sub-district overlap, only the provisions of the NR district <br />are applied. <br />9.301 Uses Permitted Outright. In the NR district the following uses are <br />permitted; <br />~a} Removal of refuse and any f i 11 that i s i n vi o1 ati on of <br />1 oca1, state or federal regulations . Removal of f i 11 must be <br />consistent with State of Oregon Removal -Fi 11 regulations. <br />fib} Removal of non-native or invasive plant species included <br />on a 1 i st determined by the Planning Director and kept an f i 1 e at <br />the city. <br />~c} Rep1 anti ng with native plants included on a 1 i st <br />determined by the P1 anni ng Director and kept on f i 1 e at the city. <br />~d} Site management and maintenance practices, whose purpose <br />i s to maintain or improve natural functions and values or protect <br />public health and safety, and which are consistent with adopted <br />plans and polices, including but not 1 i mi ted to the fol 1 owi ng: <br />1. Removal of vegetation by non-chemical means wi thi n <br />a strip not to exceed 15 feet wide where a property zoned NR <br />district abuts private property i n any other zoning district, <br />only when deemed necessary by the public works director or <br />designee to protect human health and safety or to prevent a <br />nuisance. <br />fie} Other wetland and natural area restoration and <br />enhancement of natural functions and vat ues, which involve <br />di sp1 acement, excavation or ref ocati on of 1 ess than SO cubic yards <br />of earth, and which carry out the objectives of this district and <br />are consistent with adapted plans and policies . <br />Ordinance - ~D <br />