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<br />FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR PAVING, CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDE'~ALKS, <br />STORM SEWERS AND STREET LIGHT CONDUIT ON WILLAKENZIE <br />ROAD FROM REGENCY DRIVE TO 1300-FEET EA5T. (CONTRACT <br />94-32) (JOB #3131) <br />BACKGROUND <br />This project was initiated by irrevocable petitions submitted to the City as a condition of lat <br />P <br />approval for new subdivisions bordering Willakenzie Road. <br />The petitions stipulate that the owners of the properties in the subdivision could not <br />remonstrate against a local improvement district SLID} for the construction of Willakenzie <br />Road. The improvements include the canstruction of the street and the construction of <br />associated sidewalks, storm sewers and street light conduits. All but three properties within <br />the proposed LID signed petitions agreeing that the abutting properties will be obli ated to a <br />g Py <br />for a maximum equivalent street width of 36-feet. The petitions represent 72 percent su ort <br />PP <br />for the local improvement district. <br />Based on the petitions, the City Engineer initiated the project, as provided for in Eugene Code <br />7.16o~S}, on September 27, 1993. The City Council formed the LID on June 29,1994. The <br />project has been completed, and final assessment costs have been calculated. <br />PROJECT <br />The project included construction of a 36-foot wide street with sidewalks, curbs, gutters, <br />storm sewer, street trees, and street light conduit for future street lights , <br />ASSESSMENT <br />F__ina_l <br />Under City of Eugene assessment policy, 73 percent of the improvement casts will be <br />distributed to the abutting property owners. The final assessment unit costs are: <br />28-foot paving $ 57.131front foot <br />36-foot paving $ 73.461front foot <br />Sidewalk $ 2.431square foot <br />The assessment for the street includes the cost of street construction, paving, curbs, gutters and storm sewers, <br />~ One property that did not sign a petition agreeing to the 36 foot assessment had an existing dwelling. Accordin to the <br />Eugene Code, this property may not be assessed for more than the cost of a 2S foot street. <br />PAVING, CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, STORM SEWERS AND STREET LIGHT CONDUIT DN <br />WILLAKENZIE ROAD FRAM REGENCY DRIVE TU 13Q0 FEET EAST <br />FINAL ASSESSMENT -FINDINGS AND RECaMMENDATIGNS PAGE 1 <br />