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final as~~,~,~ment ~con't}: <br />Cost to City; $ 77,929.43 <br />The cost to the City includes the entire cost of the street trees and street light conduits, and the <br />City's proportional share of the other costs. <br />P~~yious Eslim~te <br />At the local improvement district formation hearing, following bid opening and prior to <br />construction, the following assessable unit costs were quoted to property owners, based on the <br />low bids received: <br />28-foot paving <br />3d-foot paving <br />Sidewalk <br />Cost to City <br />$ 55.53/front foot <br />$ 71.40/front foot <br />$ 2.69/square foot <br />$ 61,890.00 <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />The property owners were informed more than ten days in advance of the date of a scheduled <br />public hearing on the final assessment. No person indicated an interest in attending the <br />hearing and no written testimony was submitted, therefore no hearing was held, The City <br />Engineer submitted a report to the Hearings Officer Exhibit A}, <br />FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION <br />Procedure <br />The Hearings Official finds that notice of the public hearing was provided in accordance with <br />the relevant provisions of the Eugene Code, and that all property owners were provided an <br />opportunity to participate in the proceedings. <br />Assessment of all Benefited Properties <br />All properties within the local improvement district were benefited by the construction of the <br />street and related improvements and all properties should be assessed the appropriate amount <br />according to the provisions of the Eugene Code. <br />PAVING, CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, STORM SEWERS AND STREET LIGHT CONDUIT ON <br />WILLAKENZIE ROAD FROM REGENCY DRIVE T01344 FEET EAST <br />FINAL ASSESSMENT -FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS PAGE 2 <br />