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ORDINANCE NO. 20030 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE vOTER' S PAMPHLET; AMENDING <br />SECTIONS 2.993, 2.994, 2.996, AND 2.998 OF THE EUGENE <br />CODE, 1971 ~ AND REPEALING SECTION 2.995 OF THAT CODE. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS <br />Section 1. Section 2 , 995 of the Eugene Code , 1971 i s repea 1 ed , and <br />Sections 2.993, 2.994, 2.996, and 2.998 of that Code are amended to provide: <br />~ .993 1~oter' s Pa,m,phl et , <br />~ 1 } The city manager shal 1 publish and di stri bute a 1 ocal vater's <br />pamphlet for each election i n whi ch a ci ty measure i s on the bal 1 at unless <br />~a } The measure i s placed on the bal 1 at by petition or <br />counci 1 action occurring 1 ess than 55 days before the election date; <br />or <br />~ b } The counci 1 determines that the envi ronmenta 1, economi c <br />and social impacts of adoption of the measure are not substantial <br />enough to warrant the expense of preparation and distribution of a <br />voter's pamphlet. <br />As used i n sections 2.993 to 2.998 , "measure" and "city measure" mean a proposed <br />city ordinance or charter amendment or a proposi ti on or question or advisory <br />measure placed on the bal 1 of by the council , i ncl udi ng a measure referred on the <br />recommendation of the Eugene Water & El ectri c Board ~ EWEB} . "Measure" and "city <br />measure" also include municipal 1 egi sl ati an or charter provisions placed on the <br />ba 11 of by initiative or referendum petition . <br />~ 2 } The city manager shat 1 include i n a voter's pamphlet published <br />pursuant to subsection ~ 1 } statements from candidates i n races for city offices <br />tcounci l , mayor, or EWEB member} i f such statements are submitted by the <br />candidates , together wi th a fee i n the amount of X100.00 . <br />~3} In the event that no city measure i s submitted for a vote at <br />an election at which there i s a race for a ci ty office, and neither the state nor <br />county publ i sh a voter's pamphlet open to candidates for city offices who have <br />submitted statements pursuant to subsection ~ 2} , the city manager shat 1 publish <br />a voter's pamphlet which shat 1 contain such statements . <br />~4} A voter's pamphlet published by the city manager pursuant to <br />subsection ~3 } shal 1 be distributed city-wide i f a candi date statement included <br />therein i s for the office of mayor or EWEB at 1 arge member, If the only <br />statements submitted are for city counci 1 or EWEB positions , the voter's pamphlet <br />ordinance - 1 <br />