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shall be distributed only in the wards for which there are candidates who have <br />submitted statements. <br />~ .994 voter's Pam~h 1 et-,,,,,Contents . <br />t 1 } A voter's pamphlet published under section 2.993 shall contai n <br />far each measure the following items in the following order: <br />~a} The ballot title, question, statement and text to be <br />submitted to the e1 ectors at the e1 ecti on far which the pamphlet i s <br />prepared; <br />fib} One argument i n favor of the measure not to exceed 35D <br />words , fol 1 owed by a rebuttal to the argument not to exceed ZDD <br />wards ; and one argument i n apposition to the measure nat to exceed <br />350 words, followed by a rebuttal to the argument not to exceed 2DD <br />words . Such arguments and rebuttals shal 1 be submitted i n the <br />manner provided i n subsection ~ . 996 1 } ; <br />~c} Additional arguments in favor of, or in opposition to, <br />the measure may be submitted i n the manner provided i n subsection <br />2.9962} . Each argument sha11 not exceed 3-518 inches i n width by <br />8 inches i n 1 ength . <br />~ 2 } I n addition , the voter's pamphlet a 1 so may contain , either <br />preceding or following the ballot titles and arguments for each measure, other <br />general information about the election process that may be economically feasi bl e <br />to publish . This i nfarmati on may include, but i s not 1 i mi ted to, hours of <br />operation and 1 ocati on of pal 1 i ng places , requirements for a ci ti zen to qualify <br />as an elector, when an elector i s required to re-register, haw to register to <br />vote , how an elector may obtain and use an absentee ba 11 of , a sampl e ba 11 of , and <br />other relevant information , pictures , figures , and data relevant to the election . <br />~3} Fol 1 owi ng the information contained i n subsection ~ 1 } , the <br />voter's pamphlet sha11 include statements from those candidates for city offices <br />who submit such statements and pay the required fee. The statements shal 1 not <br />exceed 250 words and may i ncl ude a photograph of the candidate . . Unti 1 such time <br />as the city manager adopts rules governing the size andlor type of candidate <br />information , the city shal 1 apply the criteria adopted by the state relating to <br />candidate information i n state voter's pamphlets . <br />2.996 voter's Pam hl et -Submission of Ar uments For or A ai nst Measure <br />and Statements from Candidates. <br />~ 1 } Not 1 ess than 47 days prior to the date of the election , the <br />written arguments authorized by subsection 2.994 1 } fib} i n favor of , and i n <br />opposition to , a measure , s ha 11 be submitted to the city retarder . I n the event <br />that the election i s by mai 1 bal 1 ot, the arguments shal 1 be submitted 54 days <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />