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ORDINANCE NO. ~°I c1 3~S <br />AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE COMPREHENSIVE <br />STORMWATER MANAG PLAN GOALS AND <br />POLICIES. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that <br />A, In 1991 City staff began work on the Comprehensive Stormwater Management <br />Plan ~CSWMP} in order to ensure the City's compliance with new federal water quali <br />mandates, implement quality of life policies in the Metro Plan and West Eugene wetlands <br />Plan related to starmwater management, and to provide for drainage and ffoad control <br />protection. <br />B. CSWMP addresses the mandates of the federal Clean water Act that the City <br />reduce stormwater pollution within its municipal drainage system to the maximum extent <br />practicable through adoption of a water quality management plan; establishes policies far <br />dealing with stormwater conveyance and urban storm runoff in a comprehensive manner; <br />establishes goals for future function of the system; and recommends implementation <br />measures. <br />C. The initial draft of CSwMP was distributed for public review on July 29,1993. <br />Prior to and subsequent to its release, numerous efforts were made to solicit public input, <br />including surveys, questionnaires, verbal and written communications, the inclusion of general <br />information in neighborhood newsletters, and at work sessions conducted by the Planning <br />Commission on February 8,1993 and the City Council on March 8,1993 and July 26,1993. <br />D, The comments regarding CSWMP received during this period were forwarded <br />to the Eugene Planning Commission. Additional work sessions on CSWMP were held b <br />y <br />the Planning Comn~ss~on on August 2,1993, the City Council an August 4,1993, and b <br />.. y <br />staff on August 18,1993. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the draft <br />on September 7,1993. Fallowing the public hearing, work sessions were held by the City <br />Council on September 13,1993 and by the Planning Commission on September 20,1993 and <br />October 4,1993. <br />E. On October 4, 1993, the Eugene Planning Commission proposed Honor <br />changes to the Introduction section of Chapter 2 of the draft CSWMP that descr~~bes the <br />relationship of CSWMP to groundwater concerns, and proposed the addition of new <br />Recommended Actions requiring consisten with state oundwater uali re ations and <br />cY In q tY ~ <br />unanimously recommended that the Council approve the draft CSWMP as amended by the <br />Planning Commission. <br />F. On October 25, 1993, the Eugene City Council held a public hearing an the <br />Ordinance -1 <br />