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The Draft Metropolitan Natural Resources Special Study identified an Oak Savannah site Site <br />E34 on the draft inventory map} in the vicinity. The site is described as approximately 3 8 acres <br />in size, most of which is located on the Lane Memorial Gardens, located west of the subject <br />Westec Site. Approximately 11 acres are located within the Westec Business Park. However, <br />that acreage is comprised of lots that are north of the Westec Site. Furthermore, upon <br />development, any trees proposed for removal on the Wester Site will be subject to the tree felling <br />ordinance contained in the Eugene Code. <br />No inventoried Goal 5 resources have been identified for the subject site. Based upon the above <br />information, the proposed amendment is consistent with statewide planning Goa15. <br />Goal 6-Air, water and Land Resources Quality: To maintain and improve the quality of the <br />air, water and land resources of the state. <br />The applicant proposes the development of a hotel on the Wester Site. However, the Council's <br />decision does not involve a specif c development proposal or site plan, The decision is limited to <br />an amendment of the Metro Plan and ref nement plan land use diagrams, as well as the zoning <br />district designation. Any future development will be addressed through the applicable land use <br />regulations and review procedures and will be required to comply with all local, state, and federal <br />standards and guidelines regarding construction, discharges, and stormwater runoff. Therefore, <br />the Goal is not relevant and the amendment does not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />statewide planning Goal d. <br />Goal 7-Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards: To protect life and property from <br />natural disasters and hazards, <br />Flood insurance Rate Map #410122 0004C dated 10-15-95}, indicates that the subject site is <br />located within Zone C, well above the 100-year flood elevation. No other conditions on the <br />subj ect sites indicate they are subj ect to natural hazards or disasters. Therefore, the amendment <br />does not affect Metro Plan compliance with statewide planning Goal 7. <br />Goal 8-Recreation Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and <br />visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities <br />including destination resorts. <br />The subject property is not designated for recreation or park use in the Metro Plan, willow Creek <br />Special Area Study, or the Eugene Parks and Recreation Plan ~1g89}. The Metro Plan does <br />designate the Lane Memorial Gardens site to the west as Parks and Gpen Space, however, in <br />recognition of the visual open space provided. The Eugene Parks and Recreation Plan discusses <br />the need far acquisition of 50 acres for a future community park and community center in the <br />Willow Creek area, however, no specif c site has been identified. Based on this information, the <br />amendment does not affect Metro Plan compliance with statewide planning Goal 8. <br />Goal 9-Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a <br />variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. <br />4 <br />