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Ordinance No. 20098
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20098
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:05 PM
Creation date
1/12/2009 1:59:01 PM
Council Ordinances
Amending Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram & Willow Creek Special Area Study Diagram to redesignate prop. from lt-med. industrial to commercial, & re-zoning prop. from I-2, lt-med. to C-2/SR, gen'l commercial w/site review subdist.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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meeting notices were duly published in ~'he .Register~Guard. <br />The processes for public involvement and citizen participation established by the Ci of Eu ene <br />. tY g <br />and as implemented above, provided ample opportunity for citizen involvement in the Metro <br />Plan amendment process. The amendment is therefore consistent with statewide tannin Goal <br />P g <br />1. <br />Goal 2-Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and olio amework as <br />p y,~' <br />a basis for all decision and actions related to use of land and to assure an ode uate actual base <br />q f <br />for such decisions and actions. <br />The amendments to the Metro Plan and Willow Creek Special Area Study plan dia rams are <br />• ~ .. g <br />consistent with the Plan amendment provls~ons found in the Metro Plan, as codified in the <br />Eugene Code SEC 9.1 I5-9.13}. The Metro Plan is an acknowledged comprehensive Ian, <br />.. p <br />pursuant to provisions spec~f ed by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. <br />The amendment, and the process for reviewing the amendment application, follows the <br />procedures outlined in the Eugene Code and thus conforms with the established land use <br />planning process, and is consistent with statewide planning Goal 2. <br />Goal 3-Agricultural Lands: To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. <br />The subject site does not involve any agricultural land by zoning, Plan designation, or use. <br />Therefore, this Goal is not relevant and the amendment does not affect Metro Plan com Hance <br />. p <br />with statewide planning Goal 3. <br />Goal 4-Forest Lands: ~'o conserve forest rands by maintaining the forest land base and to <br />protect the state's forest economy by making possible economically efficient forest practices that <br />assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest <br />land consistent with sound management of sail, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to <br />provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture. <br />The subj ect site does not involve any forest land by zoning, Plan designation, or use. Therefore, <br />this Croat is not relevant and the amendment does not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />statewide planning Goa14. <br />Goal 5-Upen Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources: To conserve open <br />space and protect natural and scenic resources. <br />Based on information in the Nest Eugene ~Vetiands Plan and the National wetlands Inventory <br />maps, the subject site does not contain any jurisdictional wetlands or hydric soils. ~Pp. 327«3ZS, <br />3 3 0] The northern portion of VVestec Business Park does contain a significant wetland area. As <br />part of the subdivision approval for this business park ~S 95-3~}, the applicant was required to <br />delineate the wetland areas. The delineation shows that the subject site is located a substantial <br />distance from any wetlands. <br />
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