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following policy statements: <br />Policy 5, page III-B-S : Provide existing industrial activities sufficient adj scent land for <br />future expansion. <br />The amendment would not affect the potential for expansion of surrounding industrial uses. <br />There is ample room in the Wester Business Park to accommodate further industrial <br />development. <br />Policy S, page III-B-S: Encourage the improvement of the appearance of existing <br />industrial areas, as well as their ability to serve the needs of existing and potential light <br />industrial development, <br />Policy 11, page III-B-5: Encourage economic activities which strengthen the <br />metropolitan area's position as a regional distributions, trade, health, and service center. <br />The amendment will be consistent with the two policy statements above. Providing for <br />commercial use at the wester Site will support the needs of nearby industrial developments. <br />Providing a commercial site suitable for a hotel within walking distance of two major business <br />parks, the Hyundai semiconductor plant, and other industries will enhance the vitality and <br />desirability to existing and future industrial enterprises. <br />Policy 2~d}, page III-F-5: Existing employment centers shall be encouraged to grow and <br />diversify by allowing and concentrating new commercial, governmental, and light <br />industrial uses, where appropriate, in those centers. <br />The willow Creek area is identified as an Employment Center in materials for the update of the <br />Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan ~TransPlan}. ~Pg. 2~2] With thousands of employees <br />already the area is a de facto employment center, apart from any formal designation as such. <br />Provision of a complementary commercial use to serve the surrounding industrial area is <br />consistent with the above policy. <br />Based on the above findings and the evidence in the record, the City Council finds that the <br />change in designation for less than 5 acres will not materially affect the supply of industrial lands <br />in Eugene, or result in demand exceeding the supply of industrial land in the short-term or <br />long-term. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with the City's economic development <br />policies and statewide planning Croal 9. <br />Goal lO~Housing: To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. <br />The amendment will not affect the availability or opportunities for housing in the area because <br />the amendment only changes the designation of the subject site from an industrial designation to <br />a designation for commercial use. Therefore, the amendment will not affect Metro Plan housing <br />policies and is consistent with statewide planning Goal 10. <br />7 <br />