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Goal 11-Public Facilities and Services; ~o plan and develop a timely, orderly and efficient <br />arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural <br />development <br />All key urban public facilities and services have been planned and developed in conjunction with <br />previous subdivision approvals concerning the subject site. ~n particular, all streets and utility <br />services water, sewer, and electricity} are currently available. Stormwater facilities were <br />constructed in conjunction with development of the Wester Business Park. Accordingly, the <br />amendment will not affect Metro Plan public facility and service provision and is consistent with <br />statewide planning Croat 11. <br />Goal 12-Transportation: To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic <br />transportation system. <br />The subject site is accessed by a transportation system that includes Pitchford Avenue and <br />Wester Drive, which are fully improved local streets. These streets lead to Willow Creek Road, <br />which was recently improved as a three-lane collector street feeding into West 11th Avenue and <br />West 1 Sth Avenue, which are arterial streets. <br />Commercial development at the Wester site will serve the nearby growing industrial <br />development in the Willow Creek area ~i.e., Hyundai, Molecular Probes, Wester North and <br />Wester South Business Parks}. The amendment locates the commercial use within convenient <br />walking distance to those industrial developments. Providing complementary uses within <br />walking distance of one another potentially reduces the number and length of auto trips, helping <br />reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled ~vMT} as required in the state Transportation <br />Planning Rule TPR as established in BAR 660-012-00354}. <br />A Traff c Impact Study ~TIS} conducted by the applicant demonstrates that the proposed hotel <br />use at the Wester site would not negatively impact traff c and would conform with other <br />provisions of the TPR. [Pg. 3 67j <br />Specifically, 4AR 660-012-0060 ~1} relates to comprehensive plan amendments which <br />"significantly affect" a transportation facility. BAR 660-012-0060 ~2} outlines the means by <br />which a plan amendment "significantly affects" a transportation facility: <br />~a} .Changes the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation <br />facility; <br />fib} Changes standards implementing a functianal classif cation system; <br />~c} Allows types or levels of land uses which would result in levels of travel or access <br />which are inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation <br />facility; or <br />~d} Would reduce the level of service of the facility below the minimum acceptable <br />level identif ed in the TSP. <br />The amendment does not "significantly affect" a transportation facility per the above criteria <br />8 <br />