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EXFIIBIT B <br />MA 97-21Z 97-24 <br />SITE REVIEW CRITERIA, WESTEC SITE <br />Applicabiiity: The following criteria shall apply to the Westec site Assessors Map 17-04- <br />33-33, Tax Lots 70o and $00} unless the Westec site should be developed with a hotel, in which <br />case only criterion 2~I} shall apply. <br />Criterion 1: In order to encourage pedestrian oriented, commercial services which will <br />primarily serve the surrounding employment center and residents, the site shall be developed <br />under the following provisions: <br />A. No single retail tenant space shall be larger than 25,000 square feet of gross building <br />area. No single non-retail, commercial use shall exceed 35,000 square feet gross <br />building area. <br />Criterion 2: The project design will result in a safe, convenient, and efficient pedestrian- <br />orienteddevelopment. In order to promote pedestrian orientation and alternative modes of <br />transportation, the building and site design shall incorporate the following elements: <br />A. Wherever practicable, the first floors of buildings occupied by commercial or office <br />uses should face public ways. The use of windows, awnings, arcades and other <br />architectural elements to reduce the impact of large unbroken facades adj scent to <br />pedestrian routes shall be incorporated. <br />B. Buildings shall be oriented to pedestrians arriving by all modes of transportation, not <br />just the automobile, by locating the primary entrance and windows adjacent to <br />pedestrian walkways. <br />C. The project design, including building orientation and setbacks, shall incorporate <br />areas of public space in order to emphasize and enhance pedestrian activity. <br />D, Building designs shall avoid long, linear configurations. Pedestrian linkages between <br />buildings, as well as connections from the street to the buildings, shall generally be <br />provided every 200 to 400 feet of street frontage. <br />E. Architectural features to provide protection from the weather, such as canopies, <br />awnings and covered walkways shall be incorporated where practical. Canopy trees <br />shall also be incorporated along pedestrian paths to provide adequate shade. <br />Exhibit B --Page 1 of 2 <br />