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1t.Rw.L S ! ! "~~1 L.! ! ! ~~"'f <br />Site Review Criteria, Wester Site <br />F. Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided along pedestrian routes and at transit staps. <br />G. Pedestrian paths shall be adequately buffered and separated from streets and other <br />areas of vehicular traffic. Pedestrian paths which cross driveways and parking areas <br />shall incorporate raised crosswalks or walkways which include a change in paving <br />materials. <br />H. Automobile parking shall be oriented predominately behind or under structures. <br />I. All signs shall be oriented to the surrounding employment center and residents. <br />Criterion 3; The development will be designed to promote the use of alternative modes of <br />transportation, thereby reducing potential vehicular traff c-related impacts, by incorporatin the <br />g <br />following provisions: <br />A. The total number of parking spaces for the development will not exceed 1 ~a% of the <br />minimum requirement, <br />B. The applicant shall provide adequate transit facilities, including transit stations, bus <br />stops and shelters, as recommended by Lane Transit District. <br />C. Locate pedestrian routes to provide convenient access to transit facilities on the site, <br />and to link to transit facilities across Willow Creek to the east of the site. <br />D, Locate bicycle parking facilities close to building entrances and in areas with good <br />visibility. <br />Exhibit B --Page 2 of 2 <br />